10 Things We Do Better
Our specialty is computer support, network services and IT consulting serving companies throughout Phoenix, Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa and Tempe
- You Can Expect a Response From Us Within a Timely Manner. Our professional technicians will answer immediately or will respond in less than sixty minutes – Guaranteed. The work is free if we don’t get back to you in that one-hour time frame.
- Ultra Speedy Repairs. Your computer network and your time are too important to wait around for computer repair. That’s where our IT support and computer network support services come in. Through this network support and IT service, your computer data network can be accessed remotely and securely. If not, a technician will be dispatched to your office.
- We Talk Like You Do. If you have any problems or computer support questions, you can ask and we will answer in PLAIN ENGLISH. You won’t be made to feel stupid by any technical talk from our IT support specialists.
- We Guarantee Absolute 100% Satisfaction and Don’t Hold Our Clients Hostage to Long Term Contracts.
The total satisfaction you deserve awaits you with our technology services and IT consulting. We’ll go out of our way with our IT management services to make sure you are a satisfied customer. Phoenix Technology Solutions proves our worth every day to ensure our clients’ networks are up and running at peak efficiency. - We Won’t Surprise You With Bad News. Your network or data will not be damaged, that’s a promise. You will be alerted to any potential risks involved in the completion of computer maintenance services upon our evaluation of your computer or network. All potential risks will be described in detail and your authorization and agreement will be obtained before work begins.
- We Guarantee All Projects To Be Completed On Time within Budget.
As your trusted company to perform network services, IT consulting or to complete a project, we won’t surprise you with unexpected charges. We make no excuses. We guarantee the completion of your IT support project ON BUDGET and ON TIME. - A Guaranteed Accurate Invoice. Each detailed bill from us will be completely accurate – guaranteed. There will be no billing surprises since your IT management services bill will be pre-approved by you.
- We Take Complete Ownership Of Your IT Problems.
Dealing with IT problems can be frustrating. Sometimes it requires talking to third party vendors and Internet Service providers to provide a fix. This can often result in “finger pointing” as to what vendor is at fault in troubleshooting hardware / software issues. At Phoenix Technology Solutions, we take ownership of our client’s IT problems as their advocate and work diligently with third party vendors to ensure downtime and drama are kept to a minimum and get your systems up and running quickly. - All Phone Calls Are Answered By A Real Person And We Are Available 24 X 7 X 365.
It’s true. You will always speak to a real person. For calls outside of our normal business hours, the technician on call will be notified and contact you within the hour. - We Provide Real Managed Service Solutions Using Best-Of-Breed Tools To Become The IT Department For Your Organization.
Phoenix Technology Solutions licenses and installs an array of the best software tools available to protect our client’s systems. This allows us to monitor, patch, protect, and identify problems on the network before they happen.