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Technology news, finance and innovation

HubSpot’s new end-to-end sales hub aims to simplify CRM for midmarket customers

HubSpot, the Boston firm that made its name by helping to define…

Daily Crunch: Microsoft launches Azure Communication Services

Microsoft takes on Twilio, Google launches a work-tracking tool…

Revisiting the Pyramid of Pain | Leveraging EDR Data to Improve Cyber Threat Intelligence

Producing and consuming actionable Cyber Threat Intelligence…

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Cybersecurity – Week 38

The Good If you’ve been following security news for the last…

Salesforce announces 12,000 new jobs in the next year just weeks after laying off 1,000

In a case of bizarre timing, Salesforce announced it was laying…

SaaS Ventures takes the investment road less traveled

Most venture capital firms are based in hubs like Silicon Valley,…