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Verizon wraps up BlueJeans acquisition lickety split

When Verizon (which owns this publication) announced it was buying…

GO1, an enterprise learning platform, picks up $40M from Microsoft, Salesforce and more

With a large proportion of knowledge workers doing now doing…

Arculus raises €16M to upgrade assembly lines with its ‘modular production platform’

Arculus, the Ingolstadt, Germany-based startup that has developed…

This Service Helps Malware Authors Fix Flaws in their Code

Almost daily now there is news about flaws in commercial software…

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Cybersecurity – Week 20

The Good This week CISA (The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure…

(Formerly Augean) Burro is giving a helping hand to field workers

Rather than focusing on robots that will replace human workers…