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What is the True Cost of a Ransomware Attack? | 6 Factors to Consider

The end of year summary season is gone, and among all the scary…

Tricky Phish Angles for Persistence, Not Passwords

Late last year saw the re-emergence of a nasty phishing tactic…

macOS Security Updates Part 1 | Discovering Changes to XProtect & Friends

Researching threats on macOS involves not only keeping up with…

Despite JEDI loss, AWS retains dominant market position

AWS took a hard blow last year when it lost the $10 billion,…

The Hidden Cost of Ransomware: Wholesale Password Theft

Organizations in the throes of cleaning up after a ransomware…

CrowdStrike’s CEO on how to IPO, direct listings and what’s ahead for SaaS startups

A few days before Christmas, TechCrunch caught up with CrowdStrike…