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Technology news, finance and innovation

BigID bags another $50M round as data privacy laws proliferate

Almost exactly 4 months to the day after BigID announced a $50…

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Cybersecurity – Week 1

The Good The MAZE group actors found themselves lost in their…

The Best, The Worst and The Ugliest in Cybersecurity, 2019 edition

Earlier this year we started a Friday round-up of the most important…

The story of why Marc Benioff gifted the domain to Steve Jobs

In Marc Benioff’s book, Trailblazer, he tells the tale of…

Moving storage in-house helped Dropbox thrive

Back in 2013, Dropbox was scaling fast. The company had grown…

These ten enterprise M&A deals totaled over $40B in 2019

It would be hard to top the 2018 enterprise M&A total of…