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Technology news, finance and innovation

SocialRank sells biz to Trufan, pivots to a mobile LinkedIn

What do you do when your startup idea doesn’t prove big enough?…

Salesforce, AWS expand partnership to bring Amazon Connect to Service Cloud

Salesforce and AWS announced an expansion of their on-going…

Clumio raises $135M Series C for its backup as a service platform

Clumio, a 100-people startup that offers a SaaS-like service…

Ransomware Bites 400 Veterinary Hospitals

National Veterinary Associates (NVA), a California company that…

The Education Sector and the Increasing Threat from Cybercrime

Last September, just when teachers, parents and children across…

Ohi raises $2.75M to power same-day delivery for brands that aren’t Amazon

The world has gotten so much faster. Amazon has made two-day…