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Is ‘REvil’ the New GandCrab Ransomware?

The cybercriminals behind the GandCrab ransomware-as-a-service…

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Cybersecurity – Week 28

The Good Microsoft has addressed 77 vulnerabilities in its July…

With $34B Red Hat deal closed, IBM needs to execute now

In a summer surprise this week, IBM announced it had closed its…

Judge dismisses Oracle lawsuit over $10B Pentagon JEDI cloud contract

Oracle has been complaining about the procurement process around…

11 Bad Habits That Destroy Your Cybersecurity Efforts

In one of my discussions with Lester Godsey, CISO for the City…

OneTrust raises $200M at a $1.3B valuation to help organizations navigate online privacy rules

GDPR, and the newer California Consumer Privacy Act, have given…