A Moment of Appreciation. Today SentinelOne Becomes a Publicly Traded Company!

It’s with great pride that we announce that as of today, SentinelOne officially becomes a publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “S”. Today marks an exciting new chapter in our company journey and positions us for continued growth and long-term success. Thank you to the many amazing customers, investors, employees, and partners from around the world who have helped us establish SentinelOne as an XDR market leader.

Today’s IPO is validation of the innovation and investment we’ve made to pioneer the use of behavioral AI and harness the power of data to help our customers autonomously prevent and remediate attacks, lessening the load for humans and providing capabilities not possible from other cybersecurity products on the market.

Today starts the next chapter in SentinelOne’s story of fighting today’s adversaries and protecting our customers.

Protecting Society Against Ransomware and Malicious Attacks

Eight years ago, my co-founder Almong Cohen and I started SentinelOne to address what has become one of the greatest threats of the digital age: cyberattacks. As attacks proliferate and impact every level of society, cybersecurity is indispensable in protecting our future and current way of life.

We saw the changing nature of digital infrastructure, the accelerating rise of breaches, and the devastating impacts of cyber attacks on society – which have been amplified over time. The digitization of the modern world has made securing even the most basic services our daily lives rely upon an exponential challenge. This is why we set out to create a new and better approach to solve this critical problem.

The sheer amount of data, devices, and workloads in today’s enterprise environments make cybersecurity simply too big, too vast, and too fast for humans alone to shoulder. The only solution to this challenge is found in the power of AI and the ability to harness data to devise a new, proactive, and autonomous approach that would be highly scalable.

As we embark on this new journey, I want to make a commitment to our customers, employees and partners that our core values will not change. We will stay true to the core tenets that guide us in serving our customers and protecting the world’s most important data and infrastructure.

Our Pledge: SentinelOne – A Force for Good

We exist to be a force for good. People’s most sensitive data lives on computing devices and in the cloud, making cyberattacks one of the biggest threats to society. We pledge to place integrity first and to foster a culture of equality, diversity, and inclusion. We protect all data, we serve all people. We strive for truth, honesty, and transparency in all dealings with our customers, employees, shareholders, partners, and society at large.

Our Mission: Keep the World Running

The world is full of criminals, state actors, and other hostile agents who seek to exfiltrate and exploit data to disrupt our way of life. Our mission is to keep the world running by protecting and securing the core pillars of modern infrastructure: data and the systems that store, process, and share information. This is an endless mission as attackers evolve rapidly in their quest to disrupt operations, breach data, turn profit, and inflict damage.

We believe that the world is and will be a safer place because of SentinelOne. Today is the beginning of the rest of the story to win the cybersecurity battle and keep our customers safe.

I am truly humbled by everyone who has made SentinelOne the company that it is and will be.

Thank you,

Tomer Weingarten

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