CatB Ransomware | File Locker Sharpens Its Claws to Steal Data with MSDTC Service DLL Hijacking

The CatB ransomware family, sometimes referred to as CatB99 or Baxtoy, was first observed in late 2022, with campaigns being observed steadily since November. The group’s activities have gained attention due to their ongoing use of DLL hijacking via Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) to extract and launch ransomware payloads.

String similarities in the ransom notes as well as modifications left by the ransomware payloads suggest that CatB may be either an evolution or direct rebrand of the Pandora ransomware, which was active in early to mid-2022 and targeted the automotive industry.

In this post, we offer a technical analysis of the CatB ransomware and its abuse of the legitimate MSDTC service, describing its evasion tactics, encryption behavior, and its attempts to steal credentials and browser data.

CatB Ransomware Technical Information

CatB payloads are distributed as a two DLL set. A dropper DLL is responsible for initial evasive environmental checks as well as dropping and launching the second DLL, which serves the ransomware payload.

CatB Ransomware Process Graph
CatB Ransomware Process Graph

First, the dropper is distributed in the form of a UPX-packed DLL (versions.dll). This dropper deposits the second DLL payload (oci.dll) onto the target host. The dropper DLL is responsible for any sandbox evasion techniques required by the threat actor. Sandbox evasion inhibits the analysis process and ultimately leads to more time in the target environment for the attacker.

CatB performs three primary checks in an attempt to determine if the payload is being executed within a virtual environment. These are direct checks for type and size of physical RAM, type and size of physical hard disks, and checking for odd or anomalous combinations of processors and cores.

Upon execution, CatB payloads rely on DLL search order hijacking to drop and load the malicious payload. The dropper (versions.dll) drops the payload (oci.dll) into the System32 directory.

Oci.dll payloads in System32 (view from Singularity™ Console)
Oci.dll payloads in System32 (view from Singularity™ Console)

The malware then abuses the MSDTC service, manipulating the permissions and startup parameters. As a result, the system will inject the malicious oci.dll into the service’s executable (msdtc.exe) when the MSDTC service is restarted. Taskill.exe is used to terminate the msdtc.exe process once the service configuration changes have been made.

Msdtc.exe termination syntax
Msdtc.exe termination syntax

CatB ransomware excludes the following files and extensions from the encryption process: .msi, .dll, .sys, .iso and NTUSER.DAT.

Encryption exclusions in payload DLL
Encryption exclusions in payload DLL

In addition to the hardcoded exclusions, the local disk volumes to be encrypted are also configured in a similar manner. By default, the oci.dll payload will attempt to encrypt C:users (crawl whole tree), I:, H:, G:, F:, E:, and D:.

Local encryption targets in oci.dll
Local encryption targets in oci.dll

The lack of post-encryption alterations is a trait that sets CatB apart from other contemporaries. Once encrypted, there is no blatant indicator – no separate ransom note dropped, no change to the desktop wallpaper, and no antagonizing file extensions. Instead, what could be considered the ransom note is inserted into the beginning of each encrypted file.

Ransom note appended to head of encrypted file (catb991 variation)
Ransom note appended to head of encrypted file (catb991 variation)

Per the ransom note, the only way to engage the threat actor is via email at the provided catB9991 protonmail address. Beyond that, a single Bitcoin (BTC) address is provided for payment submissions. The ransom price is set to increase each day for five days and, following the fifth day, there will be “permanent data loss” if the victim does not comply.

Based on observations, there is no evidence to indicate that CatB operators are generating payment wallets for each victim as the Bitcoin address provided is not unique to each sample.

Generation of unique key file
Generation of unique key file

A key file is deposited onto each infected host in c:userspublic. This file must be included in email correspondence with the attackers as it is, ideally, a unique identifier for each victim or host.

Key file dropped for each victim
Key file dropped for each victim

Example CatB ‘key’ file
Example CatB ‘key’ file

Credential and Browser Data Theft

In addition to file encryption and obfuscation, the CatB malware will attempt to gather specific, sensitive information from targeted systems. This includes browser session and credential data.

The ransomware contains functionality to discover and extract user data from Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge as well as Internet Explorer. Data extracted from browsers includes bookmarks, blocklists, crash logs, history, user profile data, autofill data, environmental settings, browser session keys, and more.

CatB malware will also attempt to locate and extract sensitive information from Windows Mail profile data (AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindows Mail).

Variations of CatB Threat Campaigns

Samples pulled from a November 2022 campaign feature a different contact email address, fishA001[@] This later changes to the catB9991 protonmail address mentioned above. This is the only difference with regards to the ransom notes. Other details such as payment-per-day breakdowns and the BTC payment address are identical.

Alternate ransom note (fisha001)
Alternate ransom note (fisha001)

We have also encountered variations which include both email addresses. When these ‘double email’ notes are appended to the head of files, it looks as follows:

Alternate ransom note (double-email, no BTC)
Alternate ransom note (double-email, no BTC)

These ransom notes display all the same features minus the BTC payment address. Also missing is the requirement to submit the key file in cuserspublickey. Notes that are missing the key submission feature suggest that they are artifacts of an earlier ‘test’ version of the ransomware.

BTC Payment / Blockchain Status

As the time of writing, the BTC address associated with CatB ransomware have zero transactions and a zero balance.

BTC Balance for Wallet - bc1qakuel0s4nyge9rxjylsqdxnn9nvyhc2z6k27gz
BTC Balance for Wallet – bc1qakuel0s4nyge9rxjylsqdxnn9nvyhc2z6k27gz


CatB joins a long line of ransomware families that embrace semi-novel techniques and atypical behaviors such as appending notes to the head of files. These behaviors appear to be implemented in the interest of detection evasion and some level of anti-analysis trickery. For example, many environments rely solely on the appearance of ransom notes to alert them to the potential of a ransomware outbreak. This is not the case with CatB.

Despite that, the threat lacks in overall sophistication, and a modern, properly configured, XDR/EDR solution should alert quickly upon initiation of a CatB attack in the environment.

SentinelOne Singularity™ fully prevents and protects customers against malicious behaviors associated with CatB Ransomware.

Indicators of Compromise

SHA1 CatB Samples

951e603af10ec366ef0f258bf8d912efedbb5a4b (early version note example)

Email addresses


BTC Wallets


Introducing SentinelOne’s Customer Community | Actionable Reports to Maximize Your Success

Enterprise security teams are responsible for the overwhelming task of evolving their organization’s defenses to keep pace with ever-changing threats. As a result, it’s often difficult to measure the effectiveness of their current cybersecurity measures and determine whether or not progress has been made – let alone stay on top of new, emerging risks to their environment.

At SentinelOne, we’re committed to the success of our customers, not just as a technology provider and platform. We want to ensure that we’re also delivering the knowledge, insight, and resources security programs need to succeed.

Today, we’re introducing a new home to our Global Support & Services reporting capabilities, all accessible through the SentinelOne Customer Community. The Community offers our customers a centralized, collaborative environment to receive help and insight into their SentinelOne deployment, understand the performance and efficacy of their MDR service, and understand what steps can be taken to improve the overall health and security posture of their environments. Customers can also network amongst themselves in groups or access a full library of onboarding videos.

In this post, we’ll highlight how security teams, no matter where they are in the world, can use the reports and resources available through the Customer Community to uplevel their cybersecurity programs.

Seamlessly Manage Your Security Estate with the Enterprise Deployment Report

Our reporting capabilities pull in data from across a customer’s security estate to give security leaders and analysts a comprehensive overview of their deployment. By tracking the number of active agents, teams can track the rollout of Sentinel Agents across their endpoint fleet over time.

Enterprise Deployment reports also provide a full list of tickets within a security team’s workflow, displaying both open and pending tickets, along with priority levels to track team and analyst performance, so that team leaders can prioritize issues that need to be addressed.

Additional components of the report include the EP deployment graph, which provides security teams with high-level visibility into blindspots in their security estate so they can roll out agents as necessary.

(However, customers that already deploy Singularity Ranger can automatically close any deployment gaps, with no manual intervention necessary.)

Moreover, security teams can also ensure continuous protection of their enterprise’s various attack surfaces by viewing the start and end dates of the enterprise’s SentinelOne products and subscriptions from one pane of glass.

Understand Effort and Impact with the Business Value Report

With the Business Value Report, enterprise security leaders and CISOs can provide tangible proof of improved security posture to their boards and executives. They can demonstrate their team’s value by showing an overview of the risks they’ve mitigated, which gives them a foundation to expand on by talking about how their analysts have faced more specific known and emergent threats.

This report provides visibility into the number of malicious and suspicious threats the team has detected and resolved. Key stakeholders can also get a look at resolved and unresolved threats, sorted by the incident’s status, to evaluate their security team’s workflows and what blockers may exist for further improvement. This view can be drilled down further to threats at the account level.

The report also offers visibility into a customer’s endpoint fleet by attaching a health overview of their Sentinel Agents. These charts provide valuable insights into agent deployments by sorting them according to their supported operating systems and legacy systems that have reached their end-of-support or end-of-life stage. This organization makes it easier for teams to manage their endpoint devices and stay ahead of any potential security threats. By grouping the devices by OS, site, and attack surface type, such as desktops, laptops, and servers, teams can quickly identify any vulnerable devices and take proactive measures to address them.

The report provides additional value for our Vigilance customers by giving them a month-by-month look at the number of attacks prevented by our Managed Detection and Response (MDR) service, along with a breakdown of the types of threats encountered by our Vigilance analysts. Vigilance Respond and Vigilance Respond Pro customers can get a more granular view of the work performed by our team and its impact through the Vigilance Executive Report—more on that shortly.

Stay Healthy with Proactive Support & Health Monitoring

With SentinelOne’s Enterprise Pro Support offering, security teams gain unique, unmatched insight into their security suite’s health and performance, so they can quickly detect and resolve performance issues before downstream business impact.

Enterprise Pro Support customers can access daily Proactive Support Reports that provide a snapshot of their environment’s health at both the agent and console levels.

Every report starts with a high-level health overview of Sentinel Agents across a security estate, organized by OS, site, and attack surface type (such as desktop, laptop, and server).

Get insight into agents that are reaching end-of-support or end-of-life, and deploy additional protections immediately. Customers can also identify sites and agents with the highest level of alerts to prioritize their security team’s investigations.

Get a head start on managing any issues in an environment with a comprehensive list of management and agent diagnostics. These reports provide 24×7 visibility into any factors that may impact performance, such as agent performance, CPU and memory impact, anomalies in processes or databases, and upgrade or install progress with actionable steps for remediation. Even better, the Enterprise Pro Support service automatically opens tickets for high-severity issues without requiring a customer to create a ticket manually.

The Singularity Platform offers its administrators and users unparalleled accuracy in isolating and resolving issues, and empowers users to identify and address any potential security risks, ensuring the integrity and protection of their system.

Each report will list impacted devices for each category, and offer policies and best practices that your security program can implement to create additional layers of protection for your environments.

Assess the Impact of MDR with Vigilance Executive Reports

Teams using Vigilance Respond and Vigilance Respond Pro Managed Detection and Response (MDR) can now access their Vigilance executive reports through the Community. These reports offer a month-to-month look at the volume and complexity of threats an environment faces, including the type of threats encountered, Mean Time to Respond (MTTR), and the efficacy of alert and ticket resolution.

Customers use this overview of their activity in conversations with leadership. For example, this data can be visualized to show how a security program has consistently lowered your company’s MTTR to potential incidents, and break down the number and type of cyber attacks prevented each month.

These reports can also help key stakeholders outside of the security discipline to understand how their security team prioritizes and quickly resolves high-severity issues, and show a clear decrease in risks to their company’s sensitive data.

Proactively Prepare for Incidents with Response Readiness Reports

SentinelOne empowers Vigilance Respond Pro customers with quarterly Response Readiness Reviews, which ensure that organizations are prepared to investigate and respond to suspicious or malicious activities and close gaps in their cybersecurity coverage.

In addition to noting the service & retainer hours a customer has left in their Vigilance subscription and expiration date, Response Readiness reviews also allow them to schedule consultations and include suggestions for how they can make the most of the time they have remaining in their subscription, through offerings such as workshops, policy reviews, and tabletop exercises.

Like other Vigilance reports, these reviews also allow them to identify endpoints and servers with operating systems nearing EOL and versions of the Sentinel Agent approaching EOS to mitigate security risks. Teams can also follow given recommendations and notes from Vigilance MDR & DFIR analysts to better align their organization’s security posture with best practices.

Looking Ahead

The reports available in the Community can help teams understand the kind of threats their environments face and proactively tackle high-priority issues. They can also help generate additional buy-in from CISOs and executives by demonstrating the impact of SentinelOne technology and services on keeping their business running smoothly.

And there’s more! As we continue to partner with our customers, the SentinelOne Customer Community will be introducing further new ways to gain and share knowledge, optimize security programs and take informed action. Stay tuned for further exciting announcements ahead by signing up for SentinelOne’s weekly email digest using the form on your right.

If you would like to learn how SentinelOne can help protect your business, contact us or request a free demo.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Cybersecurity – Week 10

The Good

Prolific ransomware gang, DoppelPaymer (aka Grief), took a major hit this week as a number of their core members were arrested in Germany and Ukraine. In a joint operation conducted by Europol, the FBI, and the Dutch police force, two individuals have been taken into custody following multiple raids in both countries. IT experts and investigators are currently examining all seized electronic devices for forensic evidence and crypto tracing. In their statement, Europol stated that data from the resulting analysis is expected to trigger investigations in related cases.

Russian-linked DoppelPaymer has cost enterprises millions over the years. Operating as a Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS), they often leverage Emotet and Drydex malware variants to launch high profile, double extortion attacks focused on healthcare, government, and education sectors. In 2020, the gang crashed the operational systems of a hospital in Düsseldorf, causing critical delays in emergency treatments. The resulting death of one patient is often referred to as the first possible case of indirect casualty due to cyberattack. Past victims of the gang include SpaceX, NASA, Kia Motors, Compal, and Foxconn.

The DoppelPaymer sting operation is ongoing and authorities have issued arrest warrants for three more principal members who are still at large. Three suspects, Igor Olegovich Turashev, Irina Zemlyanikina, and Igor Garshin, are all wanted on charges including extortion, computer sabotage, spying, data encryption, and the administration of DoppelPaymer’s IT infrastructure, internal chats, and leak sites.

This operation is the latest in a global effort to crackdown on prominent ransomware syndicates. While collaboration between international authorities make impactful progress on dismantling cybercriminal networks, police urge organizations to continue reporting attacks immediately and implementing proactive measures against ever-rising ransomware attacks.

The Bad

IceFire ransomware operators have launched a new dedicated encryptor to actively target Linux systems. Reported this week by SentinelLabs, the ransomware gang recently targeted several media and entertainment enterprises across the world, encrypting their systems with the novel malware variant.

In this recent string of breaches, IceFire was observed exploiting a deserialization vulnerability tracked as CVE-2022-47986 (CVSS score 9.8) within IBM’s Aspera Faspex product (4.42 Patch Level 1) to deploy ransomware payloads. IceFire operators leveraged this flaw to execute arbitrary code on the infected system by sending a specially crafted obsolete API call. Upon execution, the IceFire ransomware works by encrypting files and adding the iFire extension to the name before deleting itself and removing the binary to wipe its own tracks.

Linux version of IceFire ransom note

SentinelLabs researchers explained that, in comparison to Windows, attackers have more difficulty deploying ransomware within Linux servers, especially at scale. To overcome this, attackers are increasingly turning to exploiting vulnerabilities within applications. Shodan, at the time of this publication, currently shows 158 Aspera Faspex servers exposed online mostly in the United States and China.

The shift from targeting Windows to Linux systems is a strategic one that is gaining traction across the greater cyberthreat landscape. Ransomware groups such as Cl0p, Hive, LockBit, HelloKitty, BlackMatter, RansomEXX, and AvosLocker have also made this move, seemingly to match global enterprises who have transitioned to Linux-powered virtual machines in the past few years. Researchers at SentinelLabs note that the recent evolution for IceFire is a clear indication that this trend will continue to grow in popularity throughout the rest of 2023.

The Ugly

A security advisory published by Fortinet this week disclosed a critical buffer underflow vulnerability impacting the company’s FortiOS and FortiProxy products. Tracked as CVE-2023-25610 (CVSS score 9.3), the vulnerability allows an unauthenticated attacker to execute arbitrary code or launch a denial of service (DoS) attack on the GUI of vulnerable devices.

This type of vulnerability is the result of programs trying to read more data from a memory buffer than what is available. In this scenario, the program must access adjacent memory locations that may lead to crashes and data loss. Buffer underflow vulnerabilities are most often leveraged by attackers for remote code execution (RCE) and DoS attacks. Fortinet strongly urges its users to deploy the security updates immediately. As a temporary workaround, users may also choose to disable access to the HTTP/HTTPS administrative interface or limit the IP addresses that have access to the interface.

Though Fortinet notes that it is not aware of any instance of exploitation of CVE-2023-25610 in the wild, this flaw closely follows on the heels of two other critical RCE flaws that impacted the company’s FortiNAC and FortiWeb products. Just four days after fixes were published for the pair of RCE flaws, a working proof-of-concept was made public resulting in immediate exploitation in the wild. Security teams are reminded that opportunistic attackers continuously sweep for vulnerabilities that allow them to gain initial access with as little work as possible. Critical-level vulnerabilities, particularly those that do not require authentication, are highly attractive to attackers and should be patched as a priority.

Who’s Behind the NetWire Remote Access Trojan?

A Croatian national has been arrested for allegedly operating NetWire, a Remote Access Trojan (RAT) marketed on cybercrime forums since 2012 as a stealthy way to spy on infected systems and siphon passwords. The arrest coincided with a seizure of the NetWire sales website by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). While the defendant in this case hasn’t yet been named publicly, the NetWire website has been leaking information about the likely true identity and location of its owner for the past 11 years.

Typically installed by booby-trapped Microsoft Office documents and distributed via email, NetWire is a multi-platform threat that is capable of targeting not only Microsoft Windows machines but also Android, Linux and Mac systems.

NetWire’s reliability and relatively low cost ($80-$140 depending on features) has made it an extremely popular RAT on the cybercrime forums for years, and NetWire infections consistently rank among the top 10 most active RATs in use.

NetWire has been sold openly on the same website since 2012: worldwiredlabs[.]com. That website now features a seizure notice from the U.S. Department of Justice, which says the domain was taken as part of “a coordinated law enforcement action taken against the NetWire Remote Access Trojan.”

“As part of this week’s law enforcement action, authorities in Croatia on Tuesday arrested a Croatian national who allegedly was the administrator of the website,” reads a statement by the U.S. Department of Justice today. “This defendant will be prosecuted by Croatian authorities. Additionally, law enforcement in Switzerland on Tuesday seized the computer server hosting the NetWire RAT infrastructure.”

Neither the DOJ’s statement nor a press release on the operation published by Croatian authorities mentioned the name of the accused. But it’s fairly remarkable that it has taken so long for authorities in the United States and elsewhere to move against NetWire and its alleged proprietor, given that the RAT’s author apparently did very little to hide his real-life identity.

The WorldWiredLabs website first came online in February 2012 using a dedicated host with no other domains. The site’s true WHOIS registration records have always been hidden by privacy protection services, but there are plenty of clues in historical Domain Name System (DNS) records for WorldWiredLabs that point in the same direction.

In October 2012, the WorldWiredLabs domain moved to another dedicated server at the Internet address, which was home to just one other domain: printschoolmedia[.]org, also registered in 2012.

According to, printschoolmedia[.]org was registered to a Mario Zanko in Zapresic, Croatia, and to the email address DomainTools further shows this email address was used to register one other domain in 2012: wwlabshosting[.]com, also registered to Mario Zanko from Croatia.

A review of DNS records for both printschoolmedia[.]org and wwlabshosting[.]com shows that while these domains were online they both used the DNS name server ns1.worldwiredlabs[.]com. No other domains have been recorded using that same name server.

The WorldWiredLabs website, in 2013. Source:

DNS records for worldwiredlabs[.]com also show the site forwarded incoming email to the address Constella Intelligence, a service that indexes information exposed by public database leaks, shows this email address was used to register an account at the clothing retailer, using the password “123456xx.”

Running a reverse search on this password in Constella Intelligence shows there are more than 450 email addresses known to have used this credential, and two of those are and

A search on in Skype returns three results, including the account name “Netwire” and the username “Dugidox,” and another for a Mario Zanko (username zanko.mario).

Dugidox corresponds to the hacker handle most frequently associated with NetWire sales and support discussion threads on multiple cybercrime forums over the years.

Constella ties to a number of website registrations, including the Dugidox handle on BlackHatWorld and HackForums, and to IP addresses in Croatia for both. Constella also shows the email address used the password “dugidox2407.”

In 2010, someone using the email address registered the domain dugidox[.]com. The WHOIS registration records for that domain list a “Senela Eanko” as the registrant, but the address used was the same street address in Zapresic that appears in the WHOIS records for printschoolmedia[.]org, which is registered in Mr. Zanco’s name.

Prior to the demise of Google+, the email address mapped to an account with the nickname “Netwire wwl.” The dugidox email also was tied to a Facebook account (mario.zanko3), which featured check-ins and photos from various places in Croatia.

That Facebook profile is no longer active, but back in January 2017, the administrator of WorldWiredLabs posted that he was considering adding certain Android mobile functionality to his service. Three days after that, the Mario.Zank3 profile posted a photo saying he was selected for an Android instruction course — with his dugidox email in the photo, naturally.

Incorporation records from the U.K.’s Companies House show that in 2017 Mr. Zanko became an officer in a company called Godbex Solutions LTD. A Youtube video invoking this corporate name describes Godbex as a “next generation platform” for exchanging gold and cryptocurrencies.

The U.K. Companies House records show Godbex was dissolved in 2020. It also says Mr. Zanko was born in July 1983, and lists his occupation as “electrical engineer.”

Mr. Zanko did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Five Ways to #EmbraceEquity in the Workplace

Today is International Women’s Day and the theme for this year is #EmbraceEquity. Even with our progress in gender equality, women are still grossly underrepresented in the workplace – only 1 in 4 C-suite executives is a woman, and only 1 in 20 is a woman of color.

In the tech industry, the story is similar. Roughly 25% of all tech workers are women and the imbalance dips to 16% female representation in software engineering. As we work to close the gap, women’s representation in tech new hires has increased slightly to 31%.

The recent spate of tech layoffs is not helping progress. Women account for 46% of those let go; a statistic that exponentially shrinks an already underrepresented group. Transformative change will take mass action from all and call for a seismic shift in the way we #EmbraceEquity in the workplace.

I am encouraged that many leaders are coming forward to find a path where they foster diverse workplaces without compromising on the quality of talent or impact. They realize that a more diverse, equitable and inclusive company is a more successful one. Women bring amazing talents, skill sets, experiences, and perspectives that are critical to success.

Here are five ways to #EmbraceEquity in the workplace and close the gender gap to ensure women have the same access to successful, fulfilling careers in tech and have game-changing impact on their workplaces and communities.

1. Shine the Spotlight | Diversify Your Talent Pipeline

More often than not, most leaders today want to take action, but first we need to sincerely address the common refrain of “we just don’t have diverse talent in our pipeline!”

This needs attention at all levels. A strong university recruiting and internship program can have a big impact in diversifying your pipeline, so invest in that. These can and will be your leaders for tomorrow and dramatically influence your talent mix so prioritize these programs in your operating plans. Growing your own talent will always be more effective on impact and your operating margin than poaching from your competition.

Next, closing the gender gap starts with fair and equitable hiring practices and tracking for action against those. Having qualified female representation both in the candidate slate and interview panel is paramount with more than one qualified woman candidate advancing to the final interview round. It’s also critical to have pipeline reporting where applicable by law to know just how many women are being considered – you can’t grow what you don’t know!

Most importantly, creating a culture where all voices are heard is central to have people from all genders, representations and backgrounds succeed. Succession planning, internal promotions, and a commitment to career pathing are important pathways to growing and retaining top talent on your bench. If you don’t create opportunities for your high-performing females one thing is for certain – your competitors will.

2. Amplify the Power of Community

The power of community invigorates and blazes trails for many across your organization to succeed. Create several platforms for women and their allies to connect with each other to share their journeys and stories and learn from mentorship opportunities. Employee-led women’s networks can foster an inclusive workplace and are critical catalysts for positive change, giving people a great way to network, learn, and celebrate what makes us different and unique. Leadership advocacy is crucial to success within a women’s network and for ensuring that the issues that matter most to gender equity are heard at the highest levels.

Look for established experts in the space to connect and collaborate with such as Women in Cybersecurity, Girls Who Code, and Sponsoring women of all levels to get engaged with non-profit advocacy groups is a great way to encourage networking while casting a wide net for new female talent.

3. Drive Accountability with Insights & Data

‘Diversity and Inclusion’ is not an initiative; it’s a way of operating. Just as we measure operational efficiency, sales success, and profit margin, if you want to truly #EmbraceEquity, you have to set reasonable goals, create meaningful KPIs, and consistently monitor progress. Statistics like overall gender percentages, percentage of female promotions, diversity mix of both internal and external talent pipelines and percentage of women in leadership positions are key metrics to measure improvement.

Just as important as measuring progress is halting any actions that could stop it. Swift action must be taken on any discriminatory behavior in the workplace.

4. Foster Equity Through Learning

A learning culture is a more equitable one. To fully #EmbraceEquity, there must be a defined DEI learning journey for all employees at all levels. It starts with leadership training and coaching and includes other key concepts like unconscious bias, microaggressions, sexual harassment, and bystander intervention.

Taking the time to listen and learn from the experiences of others might be the most insightful learning of all. Creating authentic mentoring relationships for women can increase confidence and accelerate development. Best part of the equation? Both sides of the relationship are better for the experience!

5. Make Space to Hear All Voices

When women feel they are being heard and that their voice matters, they use it more. Helping others find their voice can be as simple as asking for an opinion in a meeting or inviting someone to collaborate on a project. Seeking the power of female voices will not only improve your process, it will improve your product.

Inviting women of all levels and functions to make an impact is a win-win on all sides of the equation. You are instilling confidence, unlocking productivity, and building your leadership bench. Making a commitment to #EmbraceEquity is not just something we are doing to improve the workplace – it’s a call to action to improve the world!

About the Author

Divya Ghatak is a top tech talent executive with over 20 years of global experience. As the Chief People Officer at SentinelOne, Divya is a transformative leader who drives a people-first experience and fosters a values-driven culture. Her true passion is equity in the workplace and continuing to close the gender gap in tech for the next generation, including her lovely daughter, Ananya.

Sued by Meta, Freenom Halts Domain Registrations

The domain name registrar Freenom, whose free domain names have long been a draw for spammers and phishers, has stopped allowing new domain name registrations. The move comes just days after the Dutch registrar was sued by Meta, which alleges the company ignores abuse complaints about phishing websites while monetizing traffic to those abusive domains.

Freenom’s website features a message saying it is not currently allowing new registrations.

Freenom is the domain name registry service provider for five so-called “country code top level domains” (ccTLDs), including .cf for the Central African Republic; .ga for Gabon; .gq for Equatorial Guinea; .ml for Mali; and .tk for Tokelau.

Freenom has always waived the registration fees for domains in these country-code domains, presumably as a way to encourage users to pay for related services, such as registering a .com or .net domain, for which Freenom does charge a fee.

On March 3, 2023, social media giant Meta sued Freenom in a Northern California court, alleging cybersquatting violations and trademark infringement. The lawsuit also seeks information about the identities of 20 different “John Does” — Freenom customers that Meta says have been particularly active in phishing attacks against Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp users.

The lawsuit points to a 2021 study (PDF) on the abuse of domains conducted by Interisle Consulting Group, which discovered that those ccTLDs operated by Freenom made up five of the Top Ten TLDs most abused by phishers.

“The five ccTLDs to which Freenom provides its services are the TLDs of choice for cybercriminals because Freenom provides free domain name registration services and shields its customers’ identity, even after being presented with evidence that the domain names are being used for illegal purposes,” the complaint charges. “Even after receiving notices of infringement or phishing by its customers, Freenom continues to license new infringing domain names to those same customers.”

Meta further alleges that “Freenom has repeatedly failed to take appropriate steps to investigate and respond appropriately to reports of abuse,” and that it monetizes the traffic from infringing domains by reselling them and by adding “parking pages” that redirect visitors to other commercial websites, websites with pornographic content, and websites used for malicious activity like phishing.

Freenom has not yet responded to requests for comment. But attempts to register a domain through the company’s website as of publication time generated an error message that reads:

“Because of technical issues the Freenom application for new registrations is temporarily out-of-order. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience. We are working on a solution and hope to resume operations shortly. Thank you for your understanding.”

Image: Interisle Consulting Group, Phishing Landscape 2021, Sept. 2021.

Although Freenom is based in The Netherlands, some of its other sister companies named as defendants in the lawsuit are incorporated in the United States.

Meta initially filed this lawsuit in December 2022, but it asked the court to seal the case, which would have restricted public access to court documents in the dispute. That request was denied, and Meta amended and re-filed the lawsuit last week.

According to Meta, this isn’t just a case of another domain name registrar ignoring abuse complaints because it’s bad for business. The lawsuit alleges that the owners of Freenom “are part of a web of companies created to facilitate cybersquatting, all for the benefit of Freenom.”

“On information and belief, one or more of the ccTLD Service Providers, ID Shield, Yoursafe, Freedom Registry, Fintag, Cervesia, VTL, Joost Zuurbier Management Services B.V., and Doe Defendants were created to hide assets, ensure unlawful activity including cybersquatting and phishing goes undetected, and to further the goals of Freenom,” Meta charged.

It remains unclear why Freenom has stopped allowing domain registration, but it could be that the company was recently the subject of some kind of disciplinary action by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the nonprofit entity which oversees the domain registrars.

In June 2015, ICANN suspended Freenom’s ability to create new domain names or initiate inbound transfers of domain names for 90 days. According to Meta, the suspension was premised on ICANN’s determination that Freenom “has engaged in a pattern and practice of trafficking in or use of domain names identical or confusingly similar to a trademark or service mark of a third party in which the Registered Name Holder has no rights or legitimate interest.”

ICANN has not yet responded to requests for comment.

A copy of the amended complaint against Freenom, et. al, is available here (PDF).

DBatLoader and Remcos RAT Sweep Eastern Europe

SentinelOne has been observing phishing campaigns that distribute the Remcos RAT using the DBatLoader malware loader to target predominantly Eastern European institutions and businesses. In this blog post, we summarize our observations on these campaigns to equip defenders with the information they need to protect against this threat.

DBatLoader is characterized by the abuse of public Cloud infrastructure to host its malware staging component. The feature-rich RAT Remcos is actively used by threat actors with cybercriminal and espionage motivations. Threat actors typically distribute the RAT through phishing emails and stage it on systems using a variety of forms and methods.

Examples include the use of the TrickGate loader stored in archive files, malicious ISO images, and URLs to VBScript scripts embedded in pictures. Further, the Ukrainian CERT has recently issued reports on Remcos RAT phishing campaigns targeting Ukrainian state institutions for espionage purposes using password-protected archives as email attachments.

This report compliments the available information about recent phishing campaigns that distribute Remcos by highlighting the way in which DBatLoader stages the RAT on infected systems.

DBatLoader and Remcos Phishing Emails

The phishing emails distributing DBatLoader and Remcos have attachments in the form of tar.lz archives that typically masquerade as financial documents, such as invoices or tender documentation. To make the emails look credible, we observed the threat actors using a variety of techniques.

From the recipient’s perspective, the phishing emails originate from institutions or business organizations related to the target such that sending an invoice would be realistic. The emails are typically sent to the sales departments of the targets or their main contact email addresses as disclosed online.

We observed emails sent from what seems to be compromised private email accounts and accounts from public email services that are also used by the targets and the legitimate institutions or organizations which are supposedly sending the email.

Many of the phishing emails we observed have been sent from email accounts with top-level domains of the same country as where the target is based. These emails typically do not contain any text accompanying the malicious attachment or contain text written in the language of the target’s country. In the cases where the threat actors are not masquerading the phishing emails as originating from an institution or business organization local to the target, the emails contain text written in English.

Example phishing email

DBatLoader Staging Remcos RAT

The tar.lz archives attached to phishing emails contain DBatLoader executables. These pack Remcos and usually masquerade as Microsoft Office, LibreOffice, or PDF documents using double extensions and/or application icons.

When a user decompresses the attachment and runs the executable within, DBatLoader downloads and executes an obfuscated second-stage payload data from a public Cloud location. We observed download links to Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive sites (under the and domains) with varying lifetime spans, the longest of which was more than one month.

The Cloud file storage locations that were active while we investigated contained only the second-stage DBatLoader payload data and were registered to individuals. We have no knowledge at this point whether the threat actors have been using self-registered and/or compromised Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive credentials to host DBatLoader payload.

The malware then creates and executes an initial Windows batch script in the %Public%Libraries directory. This script abuses a known method for bypassing Windows User Account Control that involves the creation of mock trusted directories, such as %SystemRoot%System32, by using trailing spaces. This enables the attackers to conduct elevated activities without alerting users.

An initial batch script

The script creates the mock %SystemRoot%System32 trusted directory by issuing requests directly to the file system – note the prepended ? to the directory names. It then copies into this directory a KDECO.bat batch script, the legitimate easinvoker.exe (Exchange ActiveSync Invoker) executable, and a malicious netutils.dll DLL file, which DBatLoader had previously dropped in the %Public%Libraries directory. The script then executes the easinvoker.exe copy and deletes the mock directory.

When it comes to the netutils.dll DLL, easinvoker.exe is susceptible to DLL hijacking enabling the execution of the malicious netutils.dll in its context. easinvoker.exe is an auto-elevated executable, meaning that Windows automatically elevates this process without issuing an UAC prompt if located in a trusted directory – the mock %SystemRoot%System32 directory ensures this criteria is fulfilled.

easinvoker.exe loads the malicious netutils.dll, which executes the KDECO.bat script.

netutils.dll executes KDECO.bat

As an anti-detection measure, KDECO.bat adds the C:Users directory to the Microsoft Defender exclusion list to exclude the directory from scanning.

powershell -WindowStyle Hidden -inputformat none -outputformat none -NonInteractive -Command "Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:Users'"

DBatLoader establishes persistence across system reboots by copying itself in the %Public%Libraries directory and creating an autorun registry key under HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun. This key points to an Internet Shortcut file that executes the DBatLoader executable in %Public%Libraries, which in turn executes Remcos through process injection.

Example Internet Shortcut file

We observed a wide variety of Remcos configurations, most of which configured keylogging and screenshot theft capabilities as well as duckdns dynamic DNS domains for C2 purposes.

Example Remcos configuration

Recommendations for Users and Administrators

To reduce risk, users should remain alert against phishing attacks and avoid opening attachments from unknown sources. It is important to note that DBatLoader and Remcos are often disguised as financial documents, emphasizing caution when handling such files.

For administrators:

  • Stay vigilant against malicious network requests to public Cloud instances. The use of public Cloud infrastructure for hosting malware is an attempt to make network traffic for malware delivery look legitimate, making detection harder for defenders. This tactic is popular amongst cyber criminals and espionage threat actors, a recent example being the WIP 26 espionage activity reported by SentinelLabs and QGroup GmbH.
  • Monitor for suspicious file creation activities in the %Public%Library directory and process execution activities that involve filesystem paths with trailing spaces, especially Windows . The latter is a reliable indicator of malware attempting to bypass Windows UAC by abusing mock trusted directories, such as %SystemRoot%System32.
  • Consider configuring Windows UAC to Always notify, which will always alert users when a program attempts to make changes to your computers.


The Remcos RAT, which is distributed through phishing campaigns utilizing the DBatLoader malware loader, poses a significant threat to Eastern European organizations and enterprises. Remcos is known for its use in cybercriminal and espionage campaigns. Threat actors have used various methods, such as the TrickGate loader, malicious ISO images, and URLs embedded in pictures, to plant the RAT on systems. DBatLoader leverages public Cloud infrastructure to host its malware staging component. To protect against these attacks, administrators must remain attentive against phishing attempts, educate users to avoid opening attachments from unknown senders, and deploy advanced security measures such as XDR. Implementing XDR can provide comprehensive visibility across endpoints, cloud workloads, and network infrastructure, allowing organizations to detect and respond to threats quickly and effectively. By adopting these measures, institutions and businesses can lower their risk of falling victim to these attacks and safeguard their sensitive data.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Cybersecurity – Week 9

The Good

In a first for the U.S., a coordinated, national cybersecurity strategy was unveiled this week as the government continues its campaign to get on top of a cybersecurity problem that has spiraled out of control in recent years.

The National Cybersecurity Strategy is an ambitious, five-pronged approach that seeks to defend critical infrastructure, disrupt threat actors, promote data privacy and security, invest in cyber resilience, and forge international partnerships to fight cyber threats.

The strategy comes as the latest response to the attacks on schools, healthcare, energy suppliers and food production outlets that have plagued the nation in recent years. Recognizing that nation-state espionage and supply chain attacks are also complex problems that need both investment and coordination between diverse entities, the government’s National Cybersecurity Strategy has itself been developed through consultation with both public and private sector companies and experts.

SentinelOne’s Juan Andres Guerrero-Saade, Senior Director of the company’s threat intelligence and research arm SentinelLabs, said that leaving security investments entirely up to the market had proven ineffective, and that the government’s plan was both timely and necessary. The strategy will help to reshape market dynamics to incentivize and reward security investment, he said.

Although the implementation details of the strategy remain to be seen, SentinelOne recognizes the importance of the approach and is committed to supporting it in the fight to secure and protect the digital landscape for all.

The Bad

Cryptojacking, it seems, is back in fashion. Cryptomining campaigns appeared to have waned after in-browser cryptojacking became more or less tapped out due to improved browser security, but campaigns to infect home, enterprise and now cloud hosts with stealthy resource-stealing malware have quietly been burrowing away in the dark.

This week, a new cryptojacking campaign targeting Redis database servers was brought to light. The campaign makes novel use of the popular file transfer service, a command line utility for sharing files over the internet. Many cloud-focused malware campaigns use shell scripts, and services like and pastebin are ideal for hosting and retrieving malicious payloads.

In this case, threat actors used the command line file transfer service to host scripts that dropped the XMRig cryptocurrency miner, terminated any competing miners, and installed the pnscan network scanner to discover other vulnerable Redis servers and spread the infection.

redis cryptominer

The campaign follows on the heels of renewed activity by 8220 Gang, who also propagate XMRig to surreptitiously mine cryptocurrency on compromised enterprise cloud workloads, and the recent discovery of Honkbox, a novel XMRig cryptomining malware that uses I2P tunnels to hide its traffic, which has been quietly targeting macOS endpoints for over three years.

Aside from the increased costs due to the heavy use of electricity that cryptomining infections can cause, it’s also worth noting that in most cases, the miner is a separate stage payload from the dropper or infection vector. That means that while these campaigns may currently be focusing on stealing electricity to mine cryptocurrency, the threat actors could just as easily drop a different, more destructive or profitable payload should they wish. Securing those endpoints against any intrusion is the only safe way to operate.

The Ugly

More hard knocks for password manager LastPass this week after news broke of yet another hack in the wake of an earlier compromise. This time, in a highly-targeted attack, a decrypted LastPass vault was stolen from an employee, giving attackers access to a cloud-storage environment containing encryption keys for customer vault backups.

The attack, which took place between August and October last year, leveraged data stolen in the first attack even before LastPass had completed its initial mitigation.

In a statement, the company revealed that the threat actor targeted one of only four DevOps engineers who had access to decryption keys needed to access a LastPass cloud storage service. The employee’s home computer was infected with a keylogger that then captured the employee’s master password as it was entered after MFA authentication. The compromise was effected through exploiting a vulnerability in an unnamed “third-party media software package”. This afforded the attacker remote code execution capabilities and the opportunity to plant the keylogger.

The attack initially did not raise suspicions as the login behavior appeared indistinguishable from legitimate activity, but alerts from AWS flagged up anomalous behavior when the threat actor tried to use IAM roles to perform unauthorized activity.

Concerned LastPass users can consult the advisory on the company’s blog. For enterprises, the LastPass incident is a timely reminder that the cloud and the shift to work from home has changed the face of enterprise security. Endpoint security should be bolstered with cloud workload protection and identity threat detection to thwart threat actors who are increasingly looking at these surfaces as a means of compromise.

Highlights from the New U.S. Cybersecurity Strategy

The Biden administration today issued its vision for beefing up the nation’s collective cybersecurity posture, including calls for legislation establishing liability for software products and services that are sold with little regard for security. The White House’s new national cybersecurity strategy also envisions a more active role by cloud providers and the U.S. military in disrupting cybercriminal infrastructure, and it names China as the single biggest cyber threat to U.S. interests.

The strategy says the White House will work with Congress and the private sector to develop legislation that would prevent companies from disavowing responsibility for the security of their software products or services.

Coupled with this stick would be a carrot: An as-yet-undefined “safe harbor framework” that would lay out what these companies could do to demonstrate that they are making cybersecurity a central concern of their design and operations.

“Any such legislation should prevent manufacturers and software publishers with market power from fully disclaiming liability by contract, and establish higher standards of care for software in specific high-risk scenarios,” the strategy explains. “To begin to shape standards of care for secure software development, the Administration will drive the development of an adaptable safe harbor framework to shield from liability companies that securely develop and maintain their software products and services.”

Brian Fox, chief technology officer and founder of the software supply chain security firm Sonatype, called the software liability push a landmark moment for the industry.

“Market forces are leading to a race to the bottom in certain industries, while contract law allows software vendors of all kinds to shield themselves from liability,” Fox said. “Regulations for other industries went through a similar transformation, and we saw a positive result — there’s now an expectation of appropriate due care, and accountability for those who fail to comply. Establishing the concept of safe harbors allows the industry to mature incrementally, leveling up security best practices in order to retain a liability shield, versus calling for sweeping reform and unrealistic outcomes as previous regulatory attempts have.”


In 2012 (approximately three national cyber strategies ago), then director of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) Keith Alexander made headlines when he remarked that years of successful cyber espionage campaigns from Chinese state-sponsored hackers represented “the greatest transfer of wealth in history.”

The document released today says the People’s Republic of China (PRC) “now presents the broadest, most active, and most persistent threat to both government and private sector networks,” and says China is “the only country with both the intent to reshape the international order and, increasingly, the economic, diplomatic, military, and technological power to do so.”

Many of the U.S. government’s efforts to restrain China’s technology prowess involve ongoing initiatives like the CHIPS Act, a new law signed by President Biden last year that sets aside more than $50 billion to expand U.S.-based semiconductor manufacturing and research and to make the U.S. less dependent on foreign suppliers; the National Artificial Intelligence Initiative; and the National Strategy to Secure 5G.

As the maker of most consumer gizmos with a computer chip inside, China is also the source of an incredible number of low-cost Internet of Things (IoT) devices that are not only poorly secured, but are probably more accurately described as insecure by design.

The Biden administration said it would continue its previously announced plans to develop a system of labeling that could be applied to various IoT products and give consumers some idea of how secure the products may be. But it remains unclear how those labels might apply to products made by companies outside of the United States.


One could convincingly make the case that the world has witnessed yet another historic transfer of wealth and trade secrets over the past decade — in the form of ransomware and data ransom attacks by Russia-based cybercriminal syndicates, as well as Russian intelligence agency operations like the U.S. government-wide Solar Winds compromise.

On the ransomware front, the White House strategy seems to focus heavily on building the capability to disrupt the digital infrastructure used by adversaries that are threatening vital U.S. cyber interests. The document points to the 2021 takedown of the Emotet botnet — a cybercrime machine that was heavily used by multiple Russian ransomware groups — as a model for this activity, but says those disruptive operations need to happen faster and more often.

To that end, the Biden administration says it will expand the capacity of the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF), the primary federal agency for coordinating cyber threat investigations across law enforcement agencies, the intelligence community, and the Department of Defense.

“To increase the volume and speed of these integrated disruption campaigns, the Federal Government must further develop technological and organizational platforms that enable continuous, coordinated operations,” the strategy observes. “The NCIJTF will expand its capacity to coordinate takedown and disruption campaigns with greater speed, scale, and frequency. Similarly, DoD and the Intelligence Community are committed to bringing to bear their full range of complementary authorities to disruption campaigns.”

The strategy anticipates the U.S. government working more closely with cloud and other Internet infrastructure providers to quickly identify malicious use of U.S.-based infrastructure, share reports of malicious use with the government, and make it easier for victims to report abuse of these systems.

“Given the interest of the cybersecurity community and digital infrastructure owners and operators in continuing this approach, we must sustain and expand upon this model so that collaborative disruption operations can be carried out on a continuous basis,” the strategy argues. “Threat specific collaboration should take the form of nimble, temporary cells, comprised of a small number of trusted operators, hosted and supported by a relevant hub. Using virtual collaboration platforms, members of the cell would share information bidirectionally and work rapidly to disrupt adversaries.”

But here, again, there is a carrot-and-stick approach: The administration said it is taking steps to implement Executive Order (EO) 13984 –issued by the Trump administration in January 2021 — which requires cloud providers to verify the identity of foreign persons using their services.

“All service providers must make reasonable attempts to secure the use of their infrastructure against abuse or other criminal behavior,” the strategy states. “The Administration will prioritize adoption and enforcement of a risk-based approach to cybersecurity across Infrastructure-as-a-Service providers that addresses known methods and indicators of malicious activity including through implementation of EO 13984.”

Ted Schlein, founding partner of the cybersecurity venture capital firm Ballistic Ventures, said how this gets implemented will determine whether it can be effective.

“Adversaries know the NSA, which is the elite portion of the nation’s cyber defense, cannot monitor U.S.-based infrastructure, so they just use U.S.-based cloud infrastructure to perpetrate their attacks,” Schlein said. “We have to fix this. I believe some of this section is a bit pollyannaish, as it assumes a bad actor with a desire to do a bad thing will self-identify themselves, as the major recommendation here is around KYC (‘know your customer’).”


One brief but interesting section of the strategy titled “Explore a Federal Cyber Insurance Backdrop” contemplates the government’s liability and response to a too-big-to-fail scenario or “catastrophic cyber incident.”

“We will explore how the government can stabilize insurance markets against catastrophic risk to drive better cybersecurity practices and to provide market certainty when catastrophic events do occur,” the strategy reads.

When the Bush administration released the first U.S. national cybersecurity strategy 20 years ago after the 9/11 attacks, the popular term for that same scenario was a “digital Pearl Harbor,” and there was a great deal of talk then about how the cyber insurance market would soon help companies shore up their cybersecurity practices.

In the wake of countless ransomware intrusions, many companies now hold cybersecurity insurance to help cover the considerable costs of responding to such intrusions. Leaving aside the question of whether insurance coverage has helped companies improve security, what happens if every one of these companies has to make a claim at the same time?

The notion of a Digital Pearl Harbor incident struck many experts at the time as a hyperbolic justification for expanding the government’s digital surveillance capabilities, and an overstatement of the capabilities of our adversaries. But back in 2003, most of the world’s companies didn’t host their entire business in the cloud.

Today, nobody questions the capabilities, goals and outcomes of dozens of nation-state level cyber adversaries. And these days, a catastrophic cyber incident could be little more than an extended, simultaneous outage at multiple cloud providers.

The full national cybersecurity strategy is available from the White House website (PDF).

The National Cybersecurity Strategy | How the US Government Plans to Protect America

On Thursday, the Biden administration released its long-awaited national cybersecurity strategy, outlining how the US government should approach cybercrime, its own defenses, and the private sector’s responsibility for security over the next several years. The White House says an updated strategy, cohesive across federal agencies, is necessary due to the growing importance of digital services, spurred in part by stay-at-home orders during the Covid-19 pandemic.

At the same time, malicious cyber activity has evolved from a criminal nuisance to a threat to national security, conducted by criminal gangs and nation-states alike. In this post, we explore the details of this plan and how it will protect America’s digital landscape.


The National Cybersecurity Strategy aims to tackle evolving cyber threats and vulnerabilities by creating a unified approach to cybersecurity. The plan seeks to protect the nation’s digital infrastructure from cyber threats by leveraging partnerships with the private sector, other governments, and international organizations to enhance cybersecurity capabilities. More importantly, it sets to coordinate the diverse resources of the U.S. government to ideally operate in lockstep, via their respective authorities and areas of responsibility.

The Current Cybersecurity Landscape

Criminal gangs and nation-states increasingly target US government agencies and critical infrastructure, causing disruption, financial losses, and national security threats. Ransomware attacks, one of the most common types of cyber threats, increased by 300% in 2020, and by 2021 the threat of ransomware had become so severe that CISA and the NSA reported attacks on 14 of the nation’s 16 critical infrastructure sectors. Meanwhile, the DoJ noted that, though they received fewer headlines, 75% of all ransomware attacks were on small businesses, proving that the threat is systemic and affecting society and the economy as a whole.

Phishing, social engineering, and supply chain attacks are increasingly common cyber threats that entail the compromise of sensitive data, theft of login credentials, and loss of system integrity via the introduction of malware, leading to financial loss and reputational damage. Understanding the severity of these threats and developing a comprehensive national cybersecurity strategy that addresses these challenges is essential.

Why Do We Need a National Cybersecurity Strategy?

SentinelOne’s Juan Andres Guerrero-Saade, Senior Director of the company’s threat intelligence and research arm SentinelLabs, explained the necessity and importance of the government’s intiative.

“Security vendors, threat intelligence companies, ISPs, mass distribution platforms, hosting providers, and many other essential services and foundational components seamlessly blend together into what we refer to as the Internet. Each of these stakeholders are attempting to defend their own slice of the proverbial pie. This collective can form a formidable force for good, when empowered to work together with the best intentions. However, there are actions beyond the remit of the private sector, like indictment, prosecutions, and law enforcement activities, victim notifications, and leveraging threat intelligence to protect national infrastructure and critical systems. This is where the government gets to play a clear and necessary role, employing unique authorities and resources.

The National Cybersecurity Strategy sets out a direction to coordinate the alphabet soup of diverse public sector organizations with diverse and overlapping authorities. As we detail below, the strategy is split into five pillars with fairly straightforward intent. We won’t know its practical application until further implementation documents are set down on paper and (importantly) budget is assigned to diverse initiatives and government vessels. That may mean we can’t judge its effectiveness at this time, but it’s worth noting that the stated approach at the heart of this new strategy is one of reshaping market dynamics to incentivize and reward security investment.

There’s a recognition that the free market alone isn’t rewarding security investments and has established a series of dark patterns that perpetuate pervasive and insidious difficulties for user safety. The ethos of the internet is one of radical freedom of information, democratized empowerment, and enabling innovation. But given the current state of our security challenges, even its staunchest supporters would do well to welcome some (well-directed) government intervention in furthering digital safety, shifting liability, and fomenting effective coordination.”

Overview of the National Cybersecurity Strategy

In today’s digital age, cybersecurity is no longer a luxury but a necessity. With every technological advancement, the risks and vulnerabilities to our digital infrastructure continue to increase.

The National Cybersecurity Strategy has five key pillars to safeguard the nation from cyber threats and secure the nation’s critical infrastructure, essential services, and digital ecosystem.

1. Defend Critical Infrastructure

Critical infrastructure provides daily essential services to millions of Americans. The first pillar of the National Cybersecurity Strategy recognizes the importance of protecting this critical infrastructure and outlines a plan to ensure its resilience against cyber threats.

This plan calls for an expansion of minimum cybersecurity requirements in critical sectors, the fostering of public-private collaboration, and modernizing Federal networks and incident response policies.

2. Disrupt and Dismantle Threat Actors

The second pillar aims to effectively combat malicious cyber threats. The United States, the strategy says, must use all instruments of national power to disrupt and dismantle threat actors.

This includes strategically employing all tools of national power, engaging the private sector, and addressing the ransomware threat through a comprehensive Federal approach in lockstep with international partners.

3. Shape Market Forces to Drive Security and Resilience

The digital ecosystem is complex, with various stakeholders responsible for ensuring its security and resilience. The National Cybersecurity Strategy seeks to place responsibility on those within the ecosystem who are best positioned to reduce risk and shift the consequences of poor cybersecurity away from the most vulnerable.

Vital to this effort is promoting privacy and the security of personal data, shifting liability for software products and services, and ensuring that Federal grant programs promote investments in new infrastructure that are secure and resilient.

4. Invest in a Resilient Future

Investing in a resilient future is critical to securing the nation’s digital ecosystem against cyber threats. Investment in cybersecurity has not matched the threats we all face, and both the public and private sectors need to address this investment gap.

The National Cybersecurity Strategy will leverage strategic and public investments in innovation, R&D and education. These will aim to ensure U.S leadership in technology and innovation while at the same time defending the nation’s intellectual property, electoral processes and national defenses against adversaries and malicious actors. The strategy will focus on developing and deploying emerging and innovative technologies for cybersecurity.

5. Forge International Partnerships to Pursue Shared Goals

Geographic boundaries do not limit cyber threats, and nations must understand that they cannot combat them alone. The fifth pillar of the National Cybersecurity Strategy seeks to forge international partnerships with like-minded nations to counter threats to the digital ecosystem through joint preparedness, response, and cost imposition.

In order to defend the United States’ national interests, it is critical to increase the capacity of partners to defend themselves against cyber threats. The strategy calls for closer cooperation with US allies and partners to make secure, reliable, and trustworthy global supply chains.


SentinelOne supports the new National Cybersecurity Strategy because it aims to address the growing threat of cybercrime and cyberattacks on the nation’s digital infrastructure.

The strategy emphasizes the need for a cohesive approach to cybersecurity across federal agencies, partnerships with the private sector, and international collaboration to enhance cybersecurity capabilities. By coordinating the resources of the U.S. government, the strategy aims to create a more effective defense against cyber threats.

SentinelOne recognizes the importance of this approach and is committed to supporting the implementation of the National Cybersecurity Strategy to protect America’s digital landscape.