Conti Ransomware Group Diaries, Part III: Weaponry

Part I of this series examined newly-leaked internal chats from the Conti ransomware group, and how the crime gang dealt with its own internal breaches. Part II explored what it’s like to be an employee of Conti’s sprawling organization. Today’s Part III looks at how Conti abused popular commercial security services to undermine the security of their targets, as well as how the team’s leaders strategized for the upper hand in ransom negotiations with victims.

Conti is by far the most aggressive and profitable ransomware group in operation today. Image: Chainalysis

Conti is by far the most successful ransomware group in operation today, routinely pulling in multi-million dollar payments from victim organizations. That’s because more than perhaps any other ransomware outfit, Conti has chosen to focus its considerable staff and talents on targeting companies with more than $100 million in annual revenues.

As it happens, Conti itself recently joined the $100 million club. According to the latest Crypto Crime Report (PDF) published by virtual currency tracking firm Chainalysis, Conti generated at least $180 million in revenue last year.

On Feb. 27, a Ukrainian cybersecurity researcher who is currently in Ukraine leaked almost two years’ worth of internal chat records from Conti, which had just posted a press release to its victim shaming blog saying it fully supported Russia’s invasion of his country. Conti warned it would use its cyber prowess to strike back at anyone who interfered in the conflict.

The leaked chats show that the Conti group — which fluctuated in size from 65 to more than 100 employees — budgeted several thousand dollars each month to pay for a slew of security and antivirus tools. Conti sought out these tools both for continuous testing (to see how many products detected their malware as bad), but also for their own internal security.

A chat between Conti upper manager “Reshaev” and subordinate “Pin” on Aug. 8, 2021 shows Reshaev ordering Pin to quietly check on the activity of the Conti network administrators once a week — to ensure they’re not doing anything to undermine the integrity or security of the group’s operation. Reshaev tells Pin to install endpoint detection and response (EDR) tools on every administrator’s computer.

“Check admins’ activity on servers each week,” Reshaev said. “Install EDR on every computer (for example, Sentinel, Cylance, CrowdStrike); set up more complex storage system; protect LSAS dump on all computers; have only 1 active accounts; install latest security updates; install firewall on all network.”

Conti managers were hyper aware that their employees handled incredibly sensitive and invaluable data stolen from companies, information that would sell like hotcakes on the underground cybercrime forums. But in a company run by crooks, trust doesn’t come easily.

“You check on me all the time, don’t you trust me?,” asked mid-level Conti member “Bio” of “Tramp” (a.k.a. “Trump“), a top Conti overlord. Bio was handling a large bitcoin transfer from a victim ransom payment, and Bio detected that Trump was monitoring him.

“When that kind of money and people from the street come in who have never seen that kind of money, how can you trust them 1,000%?” Trump replied. “I’ve been working here for more than 15 years and haven’t seen anything else.”


Conti also budgeted heavily for what it called “OSINT,” or open-source intelligence tools. For example, it subscribed to numerous services that can help determine who or what is behind a specific Internet Protocol (IP) address, or whether a given IP is tied to a known virtual private networking (VPN) service. On an average day, Conti had access to tens of thousands of hacked PCs, and these services helped the gang focus solely on infected systems thought to be situated within large corporate networks.

Conti’s OSINT activities also involved abusing commercial services that could help the group gain the upper hand in ransom negotiations with victims. Conti often set its ransom demands as a percentage of a victim’s annual revenues, and the gang was known to harass board members of and investors in companies that refused to engage or negotiate.

In October 2021, Conti underling “Bloodrush” told his manager “Bentley” that the group urgently needed to purchase subscriptions to Crunchbase Pro and Zoominfo, noting that the services provide detailed information on millions of companies, such as how much insurance a company maintains; their latest earnings estimates; and contact information of executive officers and board members.

In a months-long project last year, Conti invested $60,000 in acquiring a valid license to Cobalt Strike, a commercial network penetration testing and reconnaissance tool that is sold only to vetted partners. But stolen or ill-gotten “Coba” licenses are frequently abused by cybercriminal gangs to help lay the groundwork for the installation of ransomware on a victim network. It appears $30,000 of that investment went to cover the actual cost of a Cobalt Strike license, while the other half was paid to a legitimate company that secretly purchased the license on Conti’s behalf.

Likewise, Conti’s Human Resources Department budgeted thousands of dollars each month toward employer subscriptions to numerous job-hunting websites, where Conti HR employees would sift through resumes for potential hires. In a note to Conti taskmaster “Stern” explaining the group’s paid access on one employment platform, Conti HR employee “Salamandra” says their workers have already viewed 25-30 percent of all relevant CVs available on the platform.

“About 25% of resumes will be free for you, as they are already opened by other managers of our company some CVs are already open for you, over time their number will be 30-35%,” Salamandra wrote. “Out of 10 CVs, approximately 3 will already be available.”

Another organizational unit within Conti with its own budget allocations — called the “Reversers” — was responsible for finding and exploiting new security vulnerabilities in widely used hardware, software and cloud-based services. On July 7, 2021, Stern ordered reverser “Kaktus” to start focusing the department’s attention on Windows 11, Microsoft’s newest operating system.

“Win11 is coming out soon, we should be ready for this and start studying it,” Stern said. “The beta is already online, you can officially download and work.”


The chats from the Conti organization include numerous internal deliberations over how much different ransomware victims should be made to pay. And on this front, Conti appears to have sought assistance from multiple third parties.

Milwaukee-based cyber intelligence firm Hold Security this week posted a screenshot on Twitter of a conversation in which one Conti member claims to have a journalist on their payroll who can be hired to write articles that put pressure on victim companies to pay a ransom demand.

“There is a journalist who will help intimidate them for 5 percent of the payout,” wrote Conti member “Alarm,” on March 30, 2021.

The Conti team also had decent working relationships with multiple people who worked at companies that helped ransomware victims navigate paying an extortion demand in virtual currency. One friendly negotiator even had his own nickname within the group — “The Spaniard” — who according to Conti mid-level manager Mango is a Romanian man who works for a large ransomware recovery firm in Canada.

“We have a partner here in the same panel who has been working with this negotiator for a long time, like you can quickly negotiate,” Trump says to Bio on Dec. 12, 2021, in regards to their ransomware negotiations with LeMans Corp., a large Wisconsin-based distributor of powersports equipment [LeMans declined to comment for this story].

Trump soon after posts a response from their negotiator friend:

“They are willing to pay $1KK [$1 million] quickly. Need decryptors. The board is willing to go to a maximum of $1KK, which is what I provided to you. Hopefully, they will understand. The company revenue is under $100KK [$100 million]. This is not a large organization. Let me know what you can do. But if you have information about their cyber insurance and maybe they have a lot of money in their account, I need a bank payout, then I can bargain. I’ll be online by 21-00 Moscow time. For now, take a look at the documents and see if there is insurance and bank statements.”

In a different ransom discussion, the negotiator urges Conti to reconsider such a hefty demand.

“My client only has a max of $200,000 to pay and only wants the data,” the negotiator wrote on Oct. 7, 2021. “See what you can do or this deal will not happen.”

Many organizations now hold cyber insurance to cover the losses associated with a ransomware attack. The logs indicate Conti was ambivalent about working with these victims. For one thing, the insurers seemed to limit their ability to demand astronomical ransom amounts. On the other hand, insured victims usually paid out, with a minimum of hassle or protracted back-and-forth negotiations.

“They are insured for cyber risks, so what are we waiting for?” asks Conti upper manager “Revers,” in a conversation on Sept. 14, 2021.

“There will be trades with the insurance company?” asks Conti employee “Grant.”

“That’s not how it works,” Revers replied. “They have a coverage budget. We just take it and that’s it.”

Conti was an early adopter of the ransomware best practice of “double extortion,” which involves charging the victim two separate ransom demands: One in exchange for a digital key needed to unlock infected systems, and another to secure a promise that any stolen data will not be published or sold, and will be destroyed. Indeed, some variation of the message “need decryptors, deletion logs” can be seen throughout the chats following the gang’s receipt of payment from a victim.

Conti victims were directed to a page on the dark web that included a countdown timer. Victims who failed to negotiate a payment before the timer expired could expect to see their internal data automatically published on Conti’s victim shaming blog.

The beauty of the double extortion approach is that even when victims refuse to pay for a decryption key — perhaps because they’re confident they can restore systems from backups — they might still pay to keep the breach quiet.

“Hello [victim company redacted],” the gang wrote in January 2022. “We are Conti Group. We want to inform that your company local network have been hacked and encrypted. We downloaded from your network more than 180GB of sensitive data. – Shared HR – Shared_Accounting – Corporate Debt – Departments. You can see your page in the our blog here [dark web link]. Your page is hidden. But it will be published if you do not go to the negotiations.”

“We came to an agreement before the New Year,” Conti member “Skippy” wrote later in a message to the victim company. “You got a lot of time, more than enough to find any sum and fulfill your part of this agreement. However, you now ask for additional time, additional proofs, etc. Seems like you are preparing to break the agreement and flee, or just to decrease the sum. Moreover, it is a very strange request and explanation. A lot of companies pay such amounts without any problems. So, our answer: We are waiting for the above mentioned sum until 5 February. We keep our words. If we see no payment and you continue to add any conditions, we begin to upload data. That is all.”

And a reputation for keeping their word is what makes groups like Conti so feared. But some may come to question the group’s competence, and whether it may now be too risky to work with them.

On Mar. 3, a new Twitter account called “Trickbotleaks” began posting the names, photos and personal information of what the account claimed were top Trickbot administrators, including information on many of the Conti nicknames mentioned throughout this story. The Trickbotleaks Twitter account was suspended less than 24 hours later.

On Mar. 2, the Twitter account that originally leaked the Conti chat (a.k.a. “jabber”) records posted fresh logs from the Conti chat room, proving the infiltrator still had access and that Conti hadn’t figured out how they’d been had.

“Ukraine will rise!,” the account tweeted. “Fresh jabber logs.”

There may yet be at least one more piece in this series. Look here next week for a story about some of Conti’s more interesting extracurricular moneymaking and investment schemes.

Conti Ransomware Group Diaries, Part II: The Office

Earlier this week, a Ukrainian security researcher leaked almost two years’ worth of internal chat logs from Conti, one of the more rapacious and ruthless ransomware gangs in operation today. Tuesday’s story examined how Conti dealt with its own internal breaches and attacks from private security firms and governments. In Part II of this series we’ll explore what it’s like to work for Conti, as described by the Conti employees themselves.

The Conti group’s chats reveal a great deal about its internal structure and hierarchy. Conti maintains many of the same business units as a legitimate, small- to medium-sized enterprise, including a Human Resources department that is in charge of constantly interviewing potential new hires.

Other Conti departments with their own distinct budgets, staff schedules, and senior leadership include:

Coders: Programmers hired to write malicious code, integrate disparate technologies
Testers: Workers in charge of testing Conti malware against security tools and obfuscating it
Administrators: Workers tasked with setting up, tearing down servers, other attack infrastructure
Reverse Engineers: Those who can disassemble computer code, study it, find vulnerabilities or weaknesses
Penetration Testers/Hackers: Those on the front lines battling against corporate security teams to steal data, and plant ransomware.

Conti appears to have contracted out much of its spamming operations, or at least there was no mention of “Spammers” as direct employees. Conti’s leaders seem to have set strict budgets for each of its organizational units, although it occasionally borrowed funds allocated for one department to address the pressing cashflow needs of another.

A great many of the more revealing chats concerning Conti’s structure are between “Mango” — a mid-level Conti manager to whom many other Conti employees report each day — and “Stern,” a sort of cantankerous taskmaster who can be seen constantly needling the staff for reports on their work.

In July 2021, Mango told Stern that the group was placing ads on several Russian-language cybercrime forums to hire more workers. “The salary is $2k in the announcement, but there are a lot of comments that we are recruiting galley slaves,” Mango wrote. “Of course, we dispute that and say those who work and bring results can earn more, but there are examples of coders who work normally and earn $5-$10k salary.”

The Conti chats show the gang primarily kept tabs on the victim bots infected with their malware via both the Trickbot and Emotet crimeware-as-a-service platforms, and that it employed dozens of people to continuously test, maintain and expand this infrastructure 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Conti members referred to Emotet as “Booz” or “Buza,” and it is evident from reading these chat logs that Buza had its own stable of more than 50 coders, and likely much of the same organizational structure as Conti.

According to Mango, as of July 18, 2021 the Conti gang employed 62 people, mostly low-level malware coders and software testers. However, Conti’s employee roster appears to have fluctuated wildly from one month to the next. For example, on multiple occasions the organization was forced to fire many employees as a security precaution in the wake of its own internal security breaches.

In May 2021, Stern told Mango he wanted his underlings to hire 100 more “encoders” to work with the group’s malware before the bulk of the gang returns from their summer vacations in Crimea. Most of these new hires, Stern says, will join the penetration testing/hacking teams headed by Conti leaders “Hof” and “Reverse.” Both Hof and Reverse appear to have direct access to the Emotet crimeware platform.

Trying to accurately gauge the size of the Conti organization is problematic, in part because cybersecurity experts have long held that Conti is merely a rebrand of another ransomware strain and affiliate program known as Ryuk. First spotted in 2018, Ryuk was just as ruthless and mercenary as Conti, and the FBI says that in the first year of its operation Ryuk earned more than $61 million in ransom payouts.

“Conti is a Targeted version of Ryuk, which comes from Trickbot and Emotet which we’ve been monitoring for some time,” researchers at Palo Alto Networks wrote about Ryuk last year. “A heavy focus was put on hospital systems, likely due to the necessity for uptime, as these systems were overwhelmed with handling the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We observed initial Ryuk ransom requests ranging from US$600,000 to $10 million across multiple industries.”

On May 14, 2021, Ireland’s Health Service Executive (HSE) suffered a major ransomware attack at the hands of Conti. The attack would disrupt services at several Irish hospitals, and resulted in the near complete shutdown of the HSE’s national and local networks, forcing the cancellation of many outpatient clinics and healthcare services. It took the HSE until Sept. 21, 2021 to fully restore all of its systems from the attack, at an estimated cost of more than $600 million.

It remains unclear from reading these chats how many of Conti’s staff understood how much of the organization’s operations overlapped with that of Ryuk. Lawrence Abrams at Bleeping Computer pointed to an October 2020 Conti chat in which the Emotet representative “Buza” posts a link to a security firm’s analysis of Ryuk’s return.

Professor,” the nickname chosen by one of Conti’s most senior generals, replies that indeed Ryuk’s tools, techniques and procedures are nearly identical to Conti’s.

“adf.bat — this is my fucking batch file,” Professor writes, evidently surprised at having read the analysis and spotting his own code being re-used in high-profile ransomware attacks by Ryuk.

“Feels like [the] same managers were running both Ryuk and Conti, with a slow migration to Conti in June 2020,” Abrams wrote on Twitter. “However, based on chats, some affiliates didn’t know that Ryuk and Conti were run by the same people.”


Each Conti employee was assigned a specific 5-day workweek, and employee schedules were staggered so that some number of staff was always on hand 24/7 to address technical problems with the botnet, or to respond to ransom negotiations initiated by a victim organization.

Like countless other organizations, Conti made its payroll on the 1st and 15th of each month, albeit in the form of Bitcoin deposits. Most employees were paid $1,000 to $2,000 monthly.

However, many employees used the Conti chat room to vent about working days on end without sleep or breaks, while upper managers ignored their repeated requests for time off.

Indeed, the logs indicate that Conti struggled to maintain a steady number of programmers, testers and administrators in the face of mostly grueling and repetitive work that didn’t pay very well (particularly in relation to the earnings of the group’s top leadership). What’s more, some of the group’s top members were openly being approached to work for competing ransomware organizations, and the overall morale of the group seemed to fluctuate between paydays.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the turnover, attrition and burnout rate was quite high for low-level Conti employees, meaning the group was forced to constantly recruit new talent.

“Our work is generally not difficult, but monotonous, doing the same thing every day,” wrote “Bentley,” the nickname chosen by the key Conti employee apparently in charge of “crypting” the group’s malware — ensuring that it goes undetected by all or at least most antivirus products on the market.

Bentley was addressing a new Conti hire — “Idgo” — telling him about his daily duties.

“Basically, this involves launching files and checking them according to the algorithm,” Bentley explains to Idgo. “Poll communication with the encoder to receive files and send reports to him. Also communication with the cryptor to send the tested assembly to the crypt. Then testing the crypt. If jambs appear at this stage , then sending reports to the cryptor and working with him. And as a result – the issuance of the finished crypt to the partner.”

Bentley cautioned that this testing of their malware had to be repeated approximately every four hours to ensure that any new malware detection capability added to Windows Defender — the built-in antivirus and security service in Windows — won’t interfere with their code.

“Approximately every 4 hours, a new update of Defender databases is released,” Bentley told Idgo. “You need to work for 8 hours before 20-21 Moscow time. And career advancement is possible.” Idgo agrees, noting that he’d started working for Conti a year earlier, as a code tester.


The logs show the Conti gang is exceedingly good at quickly finding many potential new ransomware victims, and the records include many internal debates within Conti leadership over how much certain victim companies should be forced to pay. They also show with terrifying precision how adeptly a large, organized cybercrime group can pivot from a single compromised PC to completely owning a Fortune 500 company.

As a well-staffed “big game” killing machine, Conti is perhaps unparalleled among ransomware groups. But the internal chat logs show this group is in serious need of some workflow management and tracking tools. That’s because time and time again, the Conti gang lost control over countless bots — all potential sources of ransom revenue that will help pay employee salaries for months — because of a simple oversight or mistake.

Peppered throughout the leaked Conti chats — roughly several times each week — are pleadings from various personnel in charge of maintaining the sprawling and constantly changing digital assets that support the group’s ransomware operation. These messages invariably relate to past-due invoices for multiple virtual servers, domain registrations and other cloud-based resources.

On Mar. 1, 2021, a low-level Conti employee named “Carter” says the bitcoin fund used to pay for VPN subscriptions, antivirus product licenses, new servers and domain registrations is short $1,240 in Bitcoin.

“Hello, we’re out of bitcoins, four new servers, three vpn subscriptions and 22 renewals are out,” Carter wrote on Nov. 24, 2021. “Two weeks ahead of renewals for $960 in bitcoin 0.017. Please send some bitcoins to this wallet, thanks.”

As part of the research for this series, KrebsOnSecurity spent many hours reading each day of Conti’s chat logs going back to September 2020. I wish I could get many of those hours back: Much of the conversations are mind-numbingly boring chit-chat and shop talk. But overall, I came away with the impression that Conti is a highly effective — if also remarkably inefficient — cybercriminal organization.

Some of Conti’s disorganized nature is probably endemic in the cybercrime industry, which is of course made up of criminals who are likely accustomed to a less regimented lifestyle. But make no mistake: As ransomware collectives like Conti continue to increase payouts from victim organizations, there will be increasing pressure on these groups to tighten up their operations and work more efficiently, professionally and profitably.

Stay tuned for Part III in this series, which will look at how Conti secured access to the cyber weaponry needed to subvert the security of their targets, as well as how the team’s leaders approached ransom negotiations with their victims.

Kids’ folding beach chair – a summer day staple!

Kids folding beach chair is perfect for a day at the beach. It’s easy to carry and set up and comfortable for kids to sit in. The chair is made of durable materials that can stand up to the elements, and it’s easy to clean up when it’s time to go home.

Kids will love having their own chair to relax in at the beach, and parents will appreciate how easy it is to set up and to take down.

When the weather starts to warm up, the prices for beach gear go up. Be prepared and get your chairs, umbrellas, and toys now while they are still reasonable. The summer season will be here before you know it!

Best kids’ folding beach chairs

Are you looking for the perfect chair for your little one to relax in at the beach? Check out our top picks for the best kids’ folding beach chairs! All of those are available on Amazon, so you can get them shipped to your home in no time.

Rio Beach Kid’s 5-Position Lay Flat Backpack Folding Beach Chair

The Rio Beach Kid’s 5-Position Lay Flat Backpack Folding Beach Chair is an excellent option for kids who want their chair at the beach. The chair is made of durable materials that can stand up to the elements, and it’s easy to clean up when it’s time to go home.

The backpack style makes it easy to carry the chair to and from the beach, and it can be set up in just a few seconds. The lightweight, rust-proof aluminum construction only weighs 6.1 lbs. Combined with convenient adjustable shoulder straps make, this kids’ beach chair is perfect for carrying.

The chair is also comfortable for kids to sit in, with five different positions to choose from. And, when it’s time to go home, the chair can be quickly folded up and stored away in the storage bag.

Nice C Low Beach Camping Folding Chair

The Nice C Low Beach Camping Folding Chair is an excellent option for parents who want a low chair for their child to sit in at the beach.

The low kids’ beach chair is designed with a breathing and cooling mesh fabric that allows air to pass while sitting. There are arm cushions on the metal arms to allow your child to rest their arms in comfort.

With an easy-to-reach cup holder, your child can hold their drink while enjoying the sun. This beach chair is also lightweight and folds up easily for carrying to and from your destination. You can take this chair with you anywhere: beach, park, camping, hiking, etc.

Homevative Kids Folding Backpack Beach Chair

Kids’ beach chair made deluxe! The Homevative Kids Folding Backpack Beach Chair is great for kids to relax at the beach. It even comes with a pillow!

Padded backpack straps make it easy and comfortable to carry the chair to and from your destination. The lightweight design makes it easy to carry, and the chair can be quickly folded up for storage. This kids beach chair folds flat and compactly, so it does not take much space.

This kids folding beach chair is very convenient: it comes with a drinks holder and a storage pocket in the back for your child’s belongings. There is plenty of room there – you can take towels and books with you. The pocket also zips up securely.

Contoured comfort arms with pinch-resistant reclining adjustment will make your child feel relaxed at the beach. This chair is made of a sturdy, high-quality, and durable fabric and metal. It’s the perfect choice for parents who want their children to have a comfortable beach experience!

Quik Shade Folding Canopy Shade Camp Chair for Kids

The Quik Shade Folding Canopy Shade Camp Chair for Kids is perfect for kids who want to relax in the shade at the beach. This chair has a built-in canopy that provides shade from the sun, and it can be quickly unfolded and set up in seconds. The canopy lowers and tilts easily to provide customized shade for your child.

Another accessory is a cup holder, perfect for keeping your child’s drink within reach. The chair is also lightweight and easy to carry, with backpack straps that make it comfortable to transport. The chair can be quickly folded up for storage, and it takes up very little space. This is the perfect kids’ beach chair for days when the sun is too intense or when you need a break from the heat.

Made of water-resistant materials, this chair is perfect for outdoor use. It’s also easy to clean – just wipe it down with a damp cloth.

Melissa & Doug Sunny Patch Flex Octopus Folding Beach Chair For Kids

The Melissa & Doug Sunny Patch Flex Octopus Folding Beach Chair for Kids is a colorful and fun option for younger kids. This chair is designed with a comfortable, contoured seat and an octopus-themed fabric.

The chair is lightweight and easy to fold up, making it easy to transport and store. It also comes with a handy storage bag. The Melissa & Doug Sunny Patch Flex Octopus Folding Beach Chair for Kids features an easy-to-reach cup holder, perfect for keeping your child’s drink within reach. With smooth plastic foot pads to protect floors, it’s suitable for use indoors or out.

Kids furniture by Melissa & Doug is always top-notch and durable, made of high-quality materials. This kid’s folding beach chair is no different!

What to look for in a great kids beach chair

When looking for kids folding beach chair, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

  • Comfort
  • Accessories
  • Sturdy frame
  • Easy storage
  • Convenience
  • Weight

Comfortable kids beach chair

Comfort is key when it comes to kids’ beach chairs. With the comfort, a padded seat helps like nothing else. You’ll want a chair that is soft and has a lot of padding, especially if your child is going to be spending a lot of time in it.

Look for a chair with a reclining option, so your child can relax in style. Many chairs also have a canopy or sunshade to protect them from the sun.


Accessories are always a bonus, and kids folding beach chair is no exception. Many chairs come with pockets for storage, so your child can keep their sunscreen, phone, and other essentials close at hand.

Some chairs come with cup holders and built-in speakers, so your child can listen to music or watch a movie while they relax. Umbrellas and canopies can also be attached to some chairs to provide additional shade from the sun.

A chair with all the bells and whistles is an excellent investment for a day at the beach.

Sturdy frame

Beach chairs take a beating from the sun and sand, so you’ll want one that has a sturdy frame. Look for a chair made of heavy-duty materials that can stand up to the elements.

Chairs with a fold-out design are usually more sturdy than those that have to be carried. If you’re looking for a lightweight chair, make sure it’s still made of durable materials.

A sturdy frame is essential for any beach chair, especially for kids. You’ll want a chair that can hold up to being dragged around and sat on without wobbling or collapsing.

Easy storage

Storage is another important factor to consider when choosing kids folding beach chair. If you’re not going to be using the chair often, you’ll want one that can be easily stored away.

Chairs with a fold-out design are usually the easiest to store, as they can be folded up and put away in a closet or storage container. Some chairs even come with their carrying case, making them easy to take with you on trips.

If storage is a concern, be sure to factor in choosing kids folding beach chairs.


Convenience is critical when it comes to kids’ beach chairs. You’ll want a chair that is easy to set up and take down without much fuss.

Some chairs can be set up in just a few seconds, while others may take a little longer. It’s important to find one that is easy for you to use, so you can focus on enjoying your day at the beach.

Similarly, you’ll want a chair that is easy to clean up when you need it. Most chairs can be wiped down or hosed off, so there’s no need to worry about sand and saltwater ruining them.


Chairs that are easy to transport are a must, especially if you have a lot of gear to carry. Look for a lightweight chair, so you can easily carry it from the car to the beach.

Many chairs come with their own carrying case or strap, making them even easier to transport. If you’re looking for a lightweight chair that is still made of durable materials, be sure to check the weight before you buy.

The post Kids’ folding beach chair – a summer day staple! appeared first on Comfy Bummy.

Conti Ransomware Group Diaries, Part I: Evasion

A Ukrainian security researcher this week leaked several years of internal chat logs and other sensitive data tied to Conti, an aggressive and ruthless Russian cybercrime group that focuses on deploying its ransomware to companies with more than $100 million in annual revenue. The chat logs offer a fascinating glimpse into the challenges of running a sprawling criminal enterprise with more than 100 salaried employees. The records also provide insight into how Conti has dealt with its own internal breaches and attacks from private security firms and foreign governments.

Conti’s threatening message this week regarding international interference in Ukraine.

Conti makes international news headlines each week when it publishes to its dark web blog new information stolen from ransomware victims who refuse to pay an extortion demand. In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Conti published a statement announcing its “full support.”

“If anybody will decide to organize a cyberattack or any war activities against Russia, we are going to use all our possible resources to strike back at the critical infrastructures of an enemy,” the Conti blog post read.

On Sunday, Feb. 27, a new Twitter account “Contileaks” posted links to an archive of chat messages taken from Conti’s private communications infrastructure, dating from January 29, 2021 to the present day. Shouting “Glory for Ukraine,” the Contileaks account has since published additional Conti employee conversations from June 22, 2020 to Nov. 16, 2020.

The Contileaks account did not respond to requests for comment. But Alex Holden, the Ukrainian-born founder of the Milwaukee-based cyber intelligence firm Hold Security, said the person who leaked the information is not a former Conti affiliate — as many on Twitter have assumed. Rather, he said, the leaker is a Ukrainian security researcher who has chosen to stay in his country and fight.

“The person releasing this is a Ukrainian and a patriot,” Holden said. “He’s seeing that Conti is supporting Russia in its invasion of Ukraine, and this is his way to stop them in his mind at least.”

GAP #1

The temporal gaps in these chat records roughly correspond to times when Conti’s IT infrastructure was dismantled and/or infiltrated by security researchers, private companies, law enforcement, and national intelligence agencies. The holes in the chat logs also match up with periods of relative quiescence from the group, as it sought to re-establish its network of infected systems and dismiss its low-level staff as a security precaution.

On Sept. 22, 2020, the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) began a weeks-long operation in which it seized control over the Trickbot botnet, a malware crime machine that has infected millions of computers and is often used to spread ransomware. Conti is one of several cybercrime groups that has regularly used Trickbot to deploy malware.

Once in control over Trickbot, the NSA’s hackers sent all infected systems a command telling them to disconnect themselves from the Internet servers the Trickbot overlords used to control compromised Microsoft Windows computers. On top of that, the NSA stuffed millions of bogus records about new victims into the Trickbot database.

News of the Trickbot compromise was first published here on Oct. 2, 2020, but the leaked Conti chats show that the group’s core leadership detected something was seriously wrong with their crime machine just a few hours after the initial compromise of Trickbot’s infrastructure on Sept. 22.

“The one who made this garbage did it very well,” wrote “Hof,” the handle chosen by a top Conti leader, commenting on the Trickbot malware implant that was supplied by the NSA and quickly spread to the rest of the botnet. “He knew how the bot works, i.e. he probably saw the source code, or reversed it. Plus, he somehow encrypted the config, i.e. he had an encoder and a private key, plus uploaded it all to the admin panel. It’s just some kind of sabotage.”

“Moreover, the bots have been flooded with such a config that they will simply work idle,” Hof explained to his team on Sept. 23, 2020. Hof noted that the intruder even kneecapped Trickbot’s built-in failsafe recovery mechanism. Trickbot was configured so that if none of the botnet’s control servers were reachable, the bots could still be recaptured and controlled by registering a pre-computed domain name on EmerDNS, a decentralized domain name system based on the Emercoin virtual currency.

“After a while they will download a new config via emercoin, but they will not be able to apply this config, because this saboteur has uploaded the config with the maximum number, and the bot is checking that the new config should be larger than the old one,” Hof wrote. “Sorry, but this is fucked up. I don’t know how to get them back.”

It would take the Conti gang several weeks to rebuild its malware infrastructure, and infect tens of thousands of new Microsoft Windows systems. By late October 2020, Conti’s network of infected systems had grown to include 428 medical facilities throughout the United States. The gang’s leaders saw an opportunity to create widespread panic — if not also chaos — by deploying their ransomware simultaneously to hundreds of American healthcare organizations already struggling amid a worldwide pandemic.

“Fuck the clinics in the USA this week,” wrote Conti manager “Target” on Oct. 26, 2020. “There will be panic. 428 hospitals.”

On October 28, the FBI and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security hastily assembled a conference call with healthcare industry executives warning about an “imminent cybercrime threat to U.S. hospitals and healthcare providers.”

Follow-up reporting confirmed that at least a dozen healthcare organizations were hit with ransomware that week, but the carnage apparently was not much worse than a typical week in the healthcare sector. One information security leader in the healthcare industry told KrebsOnSecurity at the time that it wasn’t uncommon for the industry to see at least one hospital or health care facility hit with ransomware each day.

GAP #2

The more recent gap in the Conti chat logs corresponds to a Jan. 26, 2021 international law enforcement operation to seize control of Emotet, a prolific malware strain and cybercrime-as-a-service platform that was used heavily by Conti. Following the Emotet takedown, the Conti group once again reorganized, with everyone forced to pick new nicknames and passwords.

The logs show Conti made a special effort to help one of its older members — Alla Witte — a 55-year-old Latvian woman arrested last year on suspicion of working as a programmer for the Trickbot group. The chat records indicate Witte became something of a maternal figure for many of Conti’s younger personnel, and after her arrest Conti’s leadership began scheming a way to pay for her legal defense.

Alla Witte’s personal website — allawitte[.]nl — circa October 2018.

“They gave me a lawyer, they said the best one, plus excellent connections, he knows the investigator, he knows the judge, he is a federal lawyer there, licensed, etc., etc.,” wrote “Mango” — a mid-level manager within Conti — to “Stern,” a much higher-up Conti taskmaster who frequently asked various units of the gang for updates on their daily assignments.

Stern agreed that this was the best course of action, but it’s unclear if it was successfully carried out. Also, the entire scheme may not have been as altruistic as it seemed: Mango suggested that paying Witte’s attorney fees might also give the group inside access to information about the government’s ongoing investigation of Trickbot.

“Let’s try to find a way to her lawyer right now and offer him to directly sell the data bypassing her,” Mango suggests to Stern on June 23, 2021.

The FBI has been investigating Trickbot for years, and it is clear that at some point the U.S. government shared information with the Russians about the hackers they suspected were behind Trickbot. It is also clear from reading these logs that the Russians did little with this information until October 2021, when Conti’s top generals began receiving tips from their Russian law enforcement sources that the investigation was being rekindled.

“Our old case was resumed,” wrote the Conti member “Kagas” in a message to Stern on Oct. 6, 2021. “The investigator said why it was resumed: The Americans officially requested information about Russian hackers, not only about us, but in general who was caught around the country. Actually, they are interested in the Trickbot, and some other viruses. Next Tuesday, the investigator called us for a conversation, but for now, it’s like [we’re being called on as] witnesses. That way if the case is suspended, they can’t interrogate us in any way, and, in fact, because of this, they resumed it. We have already contacted our lawyers.”

Incredibly, another Conti member pipes into the discussion and says the group has been assured that the investigation will go nowhere from the Russian side, and that the entire inquiry from local investigators would be closed by mid-November 2021.

It appears Russian investigators were more interested in going after a top Conti competitor — REvil, an equally ruthless Russian ransomware group that likewise mainly targeted large organizations that could pay large ransom demands.

On Jan. 14, 2022, the Russian government announced the arrest of 14 people accused of working for REvil. The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) said the actions were taken in response to a request from U.S. officials, but many experts believe the crackdown was part of a cynical ploy to assuage (or distract) public concerns over Russian President Vladimir Putin’s bellicose actions in the weeks before his invasion of Ukraine.

The leaked Conti messages show that TrickBot was effectively shut down earlier this month. As Catalin Cimpanu at The Record points out, the messages also contain copious ransom negotiations and payments from companies that had not disclosed a breach or ransomware incident (and indeed had paid Conti to ensure their silence). In addition, there are hundreds of bitcoin addresses in these chats that will no doubt prove useful to law enforcement organizations seeking to track the group’s profits.

This is the first of several stories about the inner workings of Conti, based on the leaked chat records. Part II will be told through the private messages exchanged by Conti employees working in different operational units, and it explores some of the more unique and persistent challenges facing large-scale cybercriminal organizations today.

A CISO’s Guide to the Security Impact of the Attacks on Ukraine

The situation in Ukraine presents many humanitarian and security challenges. We are obtaining a clearer view into a new form of hybrid warfare that we have previously only theorized about. SentinelOne is providing whatever technical resources we can to support Ukrainian organizations. We also have to recognize the larger threat posed by cyber threats leveraged against those that support sanctions, strategic Western sectors, or Ukrainian organizations. In this post, we offer a high-level overview of threats emerging as a result of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

To date, we have seen threat actors using three primary tactics: Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, website defacements, and malicious wipers. While the techniques may be regarded as simple at a high-level, in conjunction they present a destabilizing force in limiting the availability of official information and services, either temporarily or permanently.

Denial of Service Attacks

In the early stages of the invasion, government websites belonging to Ukraine were taken offline by DDOS attacks. Specifically the Ukraine Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Security Service of Ukraine websites all observed a disruption of service. Additionally, the financial sector in Ukraine also experienced a disruption of service. The UK government attributed the events to the Russian GRU.

HeremeticWiper | Crippling Systems in the Ukraine

On Wednesday, February 23rd, as the physical invasion of Ukraine was underway, researchers discovered that Ukrainian organizations were being targeted with a wiper dubbed HermeticWiper in reference to the digital certificate used to sign the sample.

HermeticWiper appears to be a custom written application with very few standard functions. It leverages the benign EaseUS driver to access physical drives directly as well as getting partition information.

The malware focuses on corrupting the first 512 bytes, the Master Boot Record (MBR), of every physical drive. While that should be enough for a device not to boot again, HermeticWiper proceeds to enumerate and corrupt the partitions for all possible drives. The malware is also able to differentiate between FAT and NTFS partitions and act accordingly to cause the most damage. HermeticWiper eventually initiates  a system shutdown, finalizing the malware’s devastating effect.

HermeticWiper is a ‘fire-and-forget’ tool. It has neither command-and-control nor self-spreading capabilities. The attackers need to establish access to deploy the wiper. In previous cases, they’ve done so via GPO, establishing a scheduled task to run the wiper as well as decoy ransomware.

HermeticWiper is far more thorough, better developed, and efficient than WhisperGate, a wiper deployed in Ukraine in January with a very limited distribution. Our assessment at this time treats the two as separate threats likely created by separate developers.

PartyTicket Ransomware

PartyTicket is the name SentinelLabs has given to the decoy ransomware component of the original HermeticWiper attacks. This malware was observed being delivered to targets alongside HermeticWiper and is believed to be used as a distraction while the devices are wiped.

The ransomware is a custom Golang application that disrupts services and distracts defenders. PartyTicket is incredibly noisy, spawning hundreds of ancillary threads, likely resulting in an inadvertent local denial of service. The program’s custom code is full of taunting references to the US government and the Biden administration.

Project folders and function names referring to the Biden Administration

Similar taunts are present in the “ransom note” presented upon launch of the “ransomware”.

Recommendations for CISOs and CIOs

As the situation evolves, the SentinelOne and SentinelLabs teams continue to provide support for those in need by sharing research, recommendations, indicators, and tools to stay on top of the evolving threat landscape. We also offer 90 days of free access to the SentinelOne Singularity platform for businesses in Ukraine.

While threats have been largely contained to Ukraine (with some spillover effects to neighboring countries), escalating geopolitical tensions and sanctions will likely incentivize attacks towards Western nations. In line with CISA’s recent advisory, SentinelOne urges organizations to adopt a heightened security posture and to take proactive measures including:

  • Ensure that all networks and endpoints are protected by an advanced security solution that can prevent, detect, and respond to known and novel attacks, as well as rollback devices in the event of an attack.
  • Make sure your SOC and IT teams are up-to-date with the latest threat intelligence around cyber attacks on the Ukraine.
  • Monitor government advisories such as CISA’s alerts and Shields Up bulletin.
  • Designate a crisis-response team with updated points of contact for a cybersecurity incident.
  • Verify you have cyber insurance, understand your coverage, and know how to activate incident response services.
  • Run a fire-drill to ensure that everyone understands roles and responsibilities, and what action needs to be taken and when.
  • Plan for a worst-case scenario and ensure a business continuity plan is in place.


While cyberspace has become an integral part of our digital lives, it has also become a key aspect of geopolitical conflicts. As more offensive capabilities are available, they are used by governments for surveillance and disinformation. In the midst of a physical war, cyber has become an indispensable weapon to cripple defense systems, create chaos, and demoralize a population under duress.

SentinelOne’s objective is to keep our customers safe while sharing our expertise with those who are in need. If you are a business in Ukraine or the surrounding area and your devices and networks might be impacted by the current crisis, we are here to help.

Ukraine Crisis Resource Center
Get 90 days of SentinelOne Singularity access free of charge.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Cybersecurity – Week 8

The Good

Finding your hard earned dollars haven’t made their way into your bank account because some pesky cyber thief hacked your payroll provider is the last thing you want to hear on payday, so we welcome the news that an individual arrested for exactly such a crime pleaded guilty in court this week.

Charles Onus, a 34 year old Nigerian national, obtained unauthorized access to over 5,500 user accounts of a payroll services company via credential stuffing attacks. He then changed the bank information the account holder had designated for payroll to that of prepaid debit cards he controlled. Over more than 6 months, Onus managed to steal salaries totalling around $800,000.

While the crimes took place on or around July 2017 to sometime in 2018, the FBI weren’t able to arrest Onus until he decided to fly into the U.S. from Nigeria on April 14 for a two-week vacation in Las Vegas. Unfortunately for him, it was a gamble that didn’t pay off as San Francisco Customs and Border Protection officers were waiting to apprehend him. After this week’s guilty plea to computer fraud, Onus awaits sentencing on May 12, 2022. The charges carry a maximum sentence of 5 years in prison.

The Bad

Network security vendor WatchGuard, along with U.K. and U.S. cybersecurity and law enforcement agencies, this week released an advisory warning that the APT sometimes known as Sandworm but better known as Russia’s GRU unit (the folks who brought the world NotPetya ransomware) has been seen distributing a new malicious botnet, dubbed Cyclops Blink.

The botnet targets home and small office network devices like WatchGuard Firebox and infects them with a malicious Linux ELF binary. Once a device is infected, the malware has functionality that includes file upload/download, system information discovery, self-updating and tasking from a C2 or bot master.

Infected devices have their firmware modified, which allows the malware to persist through reboots and even through subsequent legitimate firmware updates. Researchers say that the APT had “clearly reverse engineered the WatchGuard Firebox firmware update process and identified a weakness”. WatchGuard says that only firewall appliances that have been configured to allow unrestricted management access from the internet are at risk.

In order to detect whether a device is infected with Cyclops Blink, WatchGuard customers need to download a set of tools available from here and follow a four-step remediation process detailed here. Researchers advise that the weakness in the firmware update process is likely present in other WatchGuard devices, and all users are urged to follow the remediation steps.

The Ugly

When bad things happen in the world at large, you can be sure that anything from cyber crime to cyber warfare will soon follow suit in the digital domain. As this week saw the dawn of the long-anticipated Russian invasion of Ukraine, various cyber actors also unleashed their own unwanted contributions to the melee.

Among those was a campaign to destroy the information systems of a number of Ukrainian organizations with a custom wiper that researchers at SentinelLabs dubbed HermeticWiper.

As the name implies, the highly-destructive malware has but one objective: to render any device it runs on unusable. In this case, the targets are Windows 7 machines, still widely in use in Ukrainian organizations, and easy targets due to multiple known vulnerabilities.

Meanwhile, several reports came in on Thursday of DDoS attacks against both Ukrainian and Russian websites. Ukraine’s Kyiv Post was said to be under attack from the moment Russia launched its military offensive. On the other side of the fence, Russian government sites experiencing attack included the Kremlin ( and the State Duma ( The infamous, nebulous and somewhat chaotic collection of individuals sometimes known as “Anonymous” claimed to have knocked the RT News website offline for an entire six hours.

CISA has warned U.S. companies to be on heightened alert as the conflict unfolds in cyber space, and has released an advisory entitled Shields Up. The advisory notes that:

While there are no specific or credible cyber threats to the U.S. homeland at this time, we are mindful of the potential for Russia’s destabilizing actions to impact organizations both within and beyond the region, particularly in the wake of sanctions imposed by the United States and our Allies.

The advisory also contains a number of useful recommendations regarding how to prepare, detect and respond to cyber intrusions that all defenders are urged to review.

Russia Sanctions May Spark Escalating Cyber Conflict

President Biden joined European leaders this week in enacting economic sanctions against Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine. The West has promised tougher sanctions are coming, but experts warn these will almost certainly trigger a Russian retaliation against America and its allies, which could escalate into cyber attacks on Western financial institutions and energy infrastructure.

Michael Daniel is a former cybersecurity advisor to the White House during the Obama administration who now heads the Cyber Threat Alliance, an industry group focused on sharing threat intelligence among members. Daniel said there are two primary types of cyber threats the group is concerned about potentially coming in response to sanctions on Russia.

The first involves what Daniel called “spillover and collateral damage” — a global malware contagion akin to a NotPeyta event — basically some type of cyber weapon that has self-propagating capabilities and may even leverage a previously unknown security flaw in a widely-used piece of hardware or software.

Russia has been suspected of releasing NotPetya, a large-scale cyberattack in 2017 initially aimed at Ukrainian businesses that mushroomed into an extremely disruptive and expensive global malware outbreak.

“The second level [is that] in retaliation for sanctions or perceived interference, Russia steps up more direct attacks on Western organizations,” Daniel said. “The Russians have shown themselves to be incredibly ingenious and creative in terms of how they come up with targets that seem to catch us by surprise. If the situation escalates in cyberspace, there could be some unanticipated organizations that end up in the crosshairs.”

What kinds of attacks are experts most concerned about? In part because the Russian economy is so dependent on energy exports, Russia has invested heavily in probing for weaknesses in the cyber systems that support bulk power production and distribution.

Ukraine has long been used as the testing grounds for Russian offensive hacking capabilities targeting power infrastructure. State-backed Russian hackers have been blamed for the Dec. 23, 2015 cyberattack on Ukraine’s power grid that left 230,000 customers shivering in the dark.

Experts warn that Russia could just as easily use its arsenal of sneaky cyber exploits against energy systems that support U.S. and European nations. In 2014, then National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers told lawmakers that hackers had been breaking into U.S. power utilities to probe for weaknesses, and that Russia had been caught planting malware in the same kind of industrial computers used by power utilities.

“All of that leads me to believe it is only a matter of when, not if, we are going to see something dramatic,” Rogers said at the time.

That haunting prophecy is ringing anew as European leaders work on hammering out additional sanctions, which the European Commission president says will restrict the Russian economy’s ability to function by starving it of important technology and access to finance.

A draft of the new penalties obtained by The New York Times would see the European Union ban the export of aircraft and spare parts that are necessary for the maintenance of Russian fleets.

“The bloc will also ban the export of specialized oil-refining technology as well as semiconductors, and it will penalize more banks — although it will stop short of targeting VTB, Russia’s second-largest bank, which is already crippled by American and British sanctions,” The Times wrote.

Dmitri Alperovitch is co-founder and former chief technology officer at the security firm CrowdStrike. Writing for The Economist, Alperovitch said America must tailor its response carefully to avoid initiating a pattern of escalation that could result in a potentially devastating hot war with Russia.

“The proposed combination of sanctions on top Russian banks and implementation of export controls on semiconductors would be likely to severely debilitate the Russian economy,” Alperovitch wrote. “And although many in the West may initially cheer this outcome as righteous punishment for Russia’s blatant violation of Ukrainian sovereignty, these measures will probably trigger significant Russian retaliation against America. That prospect all but guarantees that the conflict will not come to an end with an invasion of Ukraine.”

Faced with a potentially existential threat to its economic well-being — and seeing itself as having nothing more to lose — Russia will have several tools at its disposal with which to respond, he said: One of those will be carrying out cyber-attacks against American and European financial institutions and energy infrastructure.

“Having already exhausted the power of economic sanctions, America and its European allies would have few choices other than to respond to these attacks with offensive cyber-strikes of their own,” Alperovitch wrote. “This pattern of tit-for-tat cyber retaliation could place Russia and the West on a worrying path. It could end with the conflict spilling out of cyberspace and into the realm of a hot conflict. This outcome—a hot conflict between two nuclear powers with extensive cyber capabilities—is one that everyone in the world should be anxious to avoid.”

In May 2021, Russian cybercriminals unleashed a ransomware attack against Colonial Pipeline, a major fuel distributor in the United States. The resulting outage caused fuel shortages and price spikes across the nation. Alperovitch says a retaliation from Russia in response to sanctions could make the Colonial Pipeline attack seem paltry by comparison.

“The colonial pipeline is going to be like child’s play if the Russians truly unleash all their capability,” Alperovitch told CNBC this week.

For example, having your organization’s computers and servers locked by ransomware may seem like a day at the park compared to getting hit with “wiper” malware that simply overwrites or corrupts data on infected systems.

Kim Zetter, a veteran Wired reporter who now runs her own cybersecurity-focused Substack newsletter, has painstakingly documented two separate wiper attacks launched in the lead-up to the Russian invasion that targeted Ukrainian government and contractor networks, as well as systems in Latvia and Lithuania.

One contractor interviewed by Zetter said the wiper attacks appeared to be extremely targeted, going after organizations that support the Ukrainian government — regardless of where those organizations are physically located.

“The wiper, dubbed HermeticaWiper, appears to have been in the works for months but was only released on computers today,” Zetter wrote. “It follows on a previous wiper attack that struck Ukrainian systems in January called WhisperGate. Like that previous infection, HermeticaWiper is designed to overwrite files on systems to render them inoperable.”

A joint advisory last week by the FBI, National Security Agency (NSA) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) warned that Russian cyber actors have been targeting cleared defense contractors, and that since January 2020 and continuing through this month, the cyber actors had maintained a persistent presence on those contractor networks. The advisory said the attackers exfiltrated email and data, and were able to “acquire sensitive, unclassified information, as well as proprietary and export-controlled technology.”

A report Thursday by NBC News suggested President Biden had been presented with options for massive cyberattacks against Russia, including the disruption of Internet access across Russia, shutting off the power, and stopping trains in their tracks.

But White House National Security Council spokesperson Emily Home told Reuters the NBC News report was “wildly off base and does not reflect what is actually being discussed in any shape or form.”

That’s good news, according to Jim Lewis, director of the public policy program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Lewis said the United States and its allies have far more to lose if the West gets embroiled in an escalation of cyber attacks with Russia over sanctions.

“The asymmetry in pressure points makes the idea of us doing something probably not a good idea,” Lewis told KrebsOnSecurity. “If Putin hasn’t gone completely nuts, he’ll be cautious of doing anything that might be construed under international law as the use of force through cyber means.”

Lewis said a more likely response from Russia would include enlisting cybercriminals throughout Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States to step up ransomware and other disruptive attacks against high-impact targets in specific industries.

“The pressure points for Putin are his political support — the oligarchs and security services,” Lewis said. “If we want to squeeze him, that’s where we have to squeeze, things like seizing all their real estate in Miami Beach, or putting them on no-fly lists. If you want to hurt Putin, a cyberattack probably wouldn’t do it. Unless it was against his bank account.”

In a call to action issued earlier this week dubbed “Shields Up,” CISA warned that Russia could escalate its destabilizing actions in ways that may impact others outside of Ukraine. CISA also published a new catalog of free public and private sector cybersecurity services.

Ciao Baby Portable High Chair

High chairs are important, even if you’re just going to be feeding your child dinner in the living room while watching TV. At some point, you’ll need it so that your baby can eat on their own level. High chairs keep your baby safe and clean while you’re feeding them, and they also help prevent food stains on your furniture.

There are many varieties of high chairs, but there’s one portable model that might be perfect for you. It’s called the Ciao Baby Portable High Chair, and it may just become your go-to high chair!

This product is available online through Amazon, with attractive shipping options. The best part about this particular high chair is that you can fold it up and put it in a bag when you’re done using it, making it portable. You can take this high chair while traveling or to family gatherings.

A closer look at The Ciao Baby Portable High Chair

The Ciao Baby Portable High Chair is one of the most popular baby high chairs on the market today. The portable design makes it an excellent travel highchair, and it’s safe for your child. The design keeps your child in an upright position so you can feed them with ease.

The Ciao Baby is perfect for babies aged 4 months or older. It has a removable tray, and the chair itself folds up so that it easily fits into a bag when you’re finished using it. The tray also comes entirely off of the high chair so that you can clean it with ease.

The Ciao Baby Portable High Chair is an excellent alternative to traditional high chairs and makes a beautiful gift for new parents or expecting parents.

Ciao Baby Portable High Chair Features:

  • 5-point safety harness that keeps your baby safe and secure
  • easy-to-clean removable tray – no need to worry about spills and mess
  • durable construction, so the high chair can last you a long time
  • spacious and comfortable, to keep your baby happy
  • lightweight, for convenience
  • comes with a carry bag, for easier traveling
  • available in various colors to match your taste

The Ciao Baby Portable High Chair is the perfect combination of style, convenience, and comfort. It sets up in seconds to provide your child with a safe eating environment at home or while traveling.

It’s also great for when you’re working in the garden, cooking dinner, or want an extra high chair for your other children if you have them.

How to clean the Ciao Baby Portable High Chair?

The Ciao Baby Portable High Chair is easy to clean. The tray comes off for easier cleaning, and you can either put it in the dishwasher or wash it by hand once your child has finished eating.

You should also wipe down the high chair itself when your baby is done with dinner to remove any food particles that may have stuck to it. The Ciao Baby Portable High Chair cleans easily with just water, but you can also use a mild detergent.

Bleach or other solvent cleaners should not be used on plastic or cloth since harm to the material may occur.

Is the Ciao Baby Portable High Chair worth buying?

If you’re looking for a portable high chair that your baby can use while traveling, then the Ciao Baby Portable High Chair is the perfect solution. It’s lightweight and folds up to go anywhere with you.

You can also use it as a temporary high chair for home if you don’t already have one, or keep it in your car so that you always have a safe place to feed your baby while on the go. Travel with your baby is easier than ever!

The post Ciao Baby Portable High Chair appeared first on Comfy Bummy.

Report: Missouri Governor’s Office Responsible for Teacher Data Leak

Missouri Governor Mike Parson made headlines last year when he vowed to criminally prosecute a journalist for reporting a security flaw in a state website that exposed personal information of more than 100,000 teachers. But Missouri prosecutors now say they will not pursue charges following revelations that the data had been exposed since 2011 — two years after responsibility for securing the state’s IT systems was centralized within Parson’s own Office of Administration.

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson (R), vowing to prosecute the St. Louis Post-Dispatch for reporting a security vulnerability that exposed teacher SSNs.

In October 2021, St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter Josh Renaud alerted Missouri education department officials that their website was exposing the Social Security numbers of more than 100,000 primary and secondary teachers in the state. Renaud found teachers’ SSNs were accessible in the HTML source code of some Missouri education department webpages.

After confirming that state IT officials had secured the exposed teacher data, the Post-Dispatch ran a story about their findings. Gov. Parson responded by holding a press conference in which he vowed his administration would seek to prosecute and investigate “the hackers” and anyone who aided the publication in its “attempt to embarrass the state and sell headlines for their news outlet.”

“The state is committed to bringing to justice anyone who hacked our systems or anyone who aided them to do so,” Parson said in October. “A hacker is someone who gains unauthorized access to information or content. This individual did not have permission to do what they did. They had no authorization to convert or decode, so this was clearly a hack.”

Parson tasked the Missouri Highway Patrol to produce a report on their investigation into “the hackers.”  On Monday, Feb. 21, The Post-Dispatch published the 158-page report (PDF), which concluded after 175 hours of investigation that Renaud did nothing wrong and only accessed information that was publicly available.

Emails later obtained by the Post-Dispatch showed that the FBI told state cybersecurity officials that there was “not an actual network intrusion” and the state database was “misconfigured.” The emails also revealed the proposed message when education department leaders initially prepared to respond in October:

“We are grateful to the member of the media who brought this to the state’s attention,” was the proposed quote attributed to the state’s education commissioner before Parson began shooting the messenger.

The Missouri Highway Patrol report includes an interview with Mallory McGowin, the chief communications officer for the state’s Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). McGowin told police the website weakness actually exposed 576,000 teacher Social Security numbers, and the data would have been publicly exposed for a decade.

McGowin also said the DESE’s website was developed and maintained by the Office of Administration’s Information Technology Services Division (ITSD) — which the governor’s office controls directly.

“I asked Mrs. McGowin if I was correct in saying the website was for DESE but it was maintained by ITSD, and she indicated that was correct,” the Highway Patrol investigator wrote. “I asked her if the ITSD was within the Office of Administration, or if DESE had their on-information technology section, and she indicated it was within the Office of Administration. She stated in 2009, policy was changed to move all information technology services to the Office of Administration.”

The report was a vindication for Renaud and for University of Missouri-St. Louis professor Shaji Khan, who helped the Post-Dispatch verify that the security flaw existed. Khan was also a target of Parson’s vow to prosecute “the hackers.” Khan’s attorney Elad Gross told the publication his client was not being charged, and that “state officials committed all of the wrongdoing here.”

“They failed to follow basic security procedures for years, failed to protect teachers’ Social Security numbers, and failed to take responsibility, instead choosing to instigate a baseless investigation into two Missourians who did the right thing and reported the problem,” Gross told The Post-Dispatch. “We thank the Missouri State Highway Patrol and the Cole County Prosecutor’s Office for their diligent work on a case that never should have been sent to them.”

IRS: Selfies Now Optional, Biometric Data to Be Deleted

The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) said Monday that taxpayers are no longer required to provide facial scans to create an account online at In lieu of providing biometric data, taxpayers can now opt for a live video interview with, the privately-held Virginia company that runs the agency’s identity proofing system. The IRS also said any biometric data already shared with would be permanently deleted over the next few weeks, and any biometric data provided for new signups will be destroyed after an account is created.

“Taxpayers will have the option of verifying their identity during a live, virtual interview with agents; no biometric data – including facial recognition – will be required if taxpayers choose to authenticate their identity through a virtual interview,” the IRS said in a Feb. 21 statement.

“Taxpayers will still have the option to verify their identity automatically through the use of biometric verification through’s self-assistance tool if they choose,” the IRS explained. “For taxpayers who select this option, new requirements are in place to ensure images provided by taxpayers are deleted for the account being created. Any existing biometric data from taxpayers who previously created an IRS Online Account that has already been collected will also be permanently deleted over the course of the next few weeks.”

In addition, the IRS said it planned to roll out as an authentication tool for those seeking access to their tax records online. is a single sign-on solution already used to access 200 websites run by 28 federal agencies.

“The General Services Administration is currently working with the IRS to achieve the security standards and scale required of Login.Gov, with the goal of moving toward introducing this option after the 2022 filing deadline,” the agency wrote.

The IRS first announced its partnership with in November, but the press release received little public attention. On Jan. 19, KrebsOnSecurity published the story IRS Will Soon Require Selfies for Online Access, detailing a rocky experience signing up for IRS access via

The IRS says it will require for all logins later this summer.

That story went viral, and the ensuing media coverage forced the IRS to answer questions about why it was incentivizing the collection and storage of biometric data by a private company. On Feb. 7, the IRS announced its intention to transition away from requiring biometric data from taxpayers who wish to access their records at the agency’s website, but it left unanswered the question of what would happen with the facial recognition data already collected by on behalf of the IRS.

In a letter to the IRS this month, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) challenged the Treasury Department and IRS to reconsider the biometric requirements, saying is perfectly up to the task if given all of the resources and funding it deserves.

“Unfortunately, has not yet reached its full potential, in part because many agencies have flouted the Congressional mandate that they use it, and because successive Administrations have failed to prioritize digital identity,” Wyden wrote. “The cost of this inaction has been billions of dollars in fraud, which has in turn fueled a black market for stolen personal data, and enabled companies like to commercialize what should be a core government service.”