The 9 Biggest Cybersecurity Lies Told to CISOs

Cybersecurity can seem like a bit of a zoo these days. There are myriad problems to solve as the landscape changes under our feet with new technologies, evolving business needs, and an attack surface that continues to expand. Into this mix, add more vendors, more consultants and more experts, each with bold statements on how to win the war against cyber threat actors.

Unfortunately, while many of these attempts to make enterprises safer may be genuine, there are a lot of blanket statements out there that can undermine a CISO’s efforts to secure the business. In this post, I will try to tackle the most oft-repeated cybersecurity misconceptions we see thrown at CISOs.

1. Windows Security Is Enough To Secure Your Microsoft Endpoints

Who is the biggest security vendor of them all? Before taking a mental inventory of the major 3rd party players that no doubt immediately spring to mind, it might come as a surprise to realize that they are all outstripped by Microsoft, with its unique position as both OS vendor and vendor of security software for its own OS, variously known as ‘Microsoft Defender’, ‘Windows Defender’, and now ‘Windows Security’.

2021 was another bumper year of Microsoft vulnerabilities, exploits, and breaches, with threat actors taking quick and merciless advantage of Microsoft vulnerabilities in Exchange Server like ProxyLogon and ProxyShell. Those vulnerabilities were followed by PrintNightmare, which in turn was followed by HiveNightmare.

Microsoft Defender did little to halt any of the ransomware attacks by Hafnium and Conti gangs that exploited such vulnerabilities, and the product was itself also in the wars after it was revealed Defender contained a privilege escalation vulnerability for over 12 years.

Recent history suggests that CISOs that rely on an OS vendor to win a fight against ransomware are going to be on the losing side of the battle.

2. Macs are Safe ‘By Design’

Unlike Microsoft, Apple is not in the business of selling security software in an attempt to protect its own products, but it still actively promotes the security of macOS as one of the unique selling points of Macs over other hardware. Accordingly, Apple has a vested interest in discouraging the perception that third party security controls are required for Macs in the enterprise just as much as they are for other endpoints.

Apple admitted earlier this year that macOS does have a problem with malware, and while few companies use Macs as servers or network controllers, thus sparing them the attention of ransomware operators, they are extremely popular among both C-Suite executives and developers. This makes enterprise Macs juicy targets for threat actors interested in high-value targets, and the new macOS malware seen appearing over the last 12 months has mostly been espionage and backdoors directed at specific targets.

Meanwhile, Mac users themselves are largely unaware of the many ways that malware can and does beat the built-in security technologies used by Apple. The Mac’s built-in security relies heavily on code-signing, certificate revocation checks and legacy file signatures. Threat actors have little trouble in bypassing these, and like Microsoft Windows, the complexity of operating system software ensures that critical bugs are patched on an increasingly more frequent basis.

On top of that, the Mac’s built-in security controls offer no visibility to users or admins. As a CISO, how would your admins know if any of the Macs in your fleet were infected with a backdoor, spyware or other macOS malware without external security software to offer that visibility?

3. Prevention Isn’t Possible, and Detection Is Enough

It’s become a trope among legacy AV vendors in their attempts to excuse the failures of AV Suites and EPP to claim that prevention is impossible, and post-infection detection and quarantine is the only realistic goal.

But we are in 2022, we have had machine learning and AI at our disposal for years now, and there is no reason why any CISO should accept that a vendor cannot prevent file-based malware pre-execution or on-execution.

Vendors that rely entirely on signature-based detection should supplement or replace their detection engines with static AI engines that can prevent most types of malicious PE files. More importantly, CISOs should reject vendors that tell them prevention isn’t possible.

4. Zero Trust Is Achievable For Most Organizations

The tried-and-trusted adage that “You are only as strong as your weakest link” gains new poignancy in today’s move to Zero Trust environments. While embracing Zero Trust is part of the right direction in which to travel to reduce your attack surface, the reality is that most organizations cannot effectively implement a complete Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) across multiple assets and security systems.

Organizations should exercise caution when vendors offer a “Zero Trust SKU”. Beyond the marketing spiel, achieving a ZTA security model requires integration across all technologies. There’s no “plug-and-play” way to transform your organization overnight. Indeed, moving from a legacy perimeter-based security model to a ZTA security model is a multi-year journey, while attacks on businesses occur on a daily basis.

ZTA is one piece in the security jigsaw, but enterprises need to cover their rear and have controls in place for when trust is breached, or simply never gained.

Like many developments in enterprise security, ZTA offers promise but it is no panacea. CISOs should beware vendors that tell them ZTA is a magic bullet that can solve all their security headaches.

5. Mobile Security Is Not a Must

Incredibly, there are vendors (and security practitioners) that still haven’t woken up to the reality of mobile devices in the enterprise. Sometimes, humans act like something doesn’t exist if they simply refuse to see it, but we have been checking our business emails and accessing work data from our mobile devices for years now. Most organizations understand that attempts to stop users conducting work tasks on their mobile devices leads to an unacceptable impact on productivity.

The mobile space is dominated by two main OS vendors, Google and Apple, and both understand the necessity of mobile security, although they take very different approaches to it. Recently, Google explained how an iOS zero-day, zero-click vulnerability had compromised Apple users. The technical level is beyond most skilled programmers and security professionals, let alone ordinary users.

Despite that sophistication, that exploit wasn’t developed by a nation-state actor but by the NSO Group, a private enterprise. In such a climate, where profit-driven attackers can invest that level of expertise into compromising our mobile devices, what business with intellectual property to defend, customer data to protect (and regulatory fines to avoid) can afford to pretend that mobile security is optional?

Mobile attacks are real and CISOs should apply mobile threat defense measures to keep track of user and device behavior and actions.

6. Backups Will Protect You Against Ransomware

The world of information security moves fast, and what was true yesterday (or, to be frank, a few years ago now) is not necessarily true today. Cast your mind back to NotPetya and WannaCry in 2017, and the hard-learned lesson that businesses without backups were setting themselves up as hostages to fortune, or rather the misfortune of being hit by ransomware.

The lesson didn’t go unheeded either by businesses or attackers, and by 2019 we saw the first human-operated ransomware gangs – Maze and DoppelPaymer – pivot to the double-extortion method: denial-of-access to files via encryption with the threat of public data leaks on top. Now, backups didn’t get companies off the hook if they valued the privacy of their data.

Double extortion soon became the standard MO for the majority of ransomware gangs, and some even went so far as to threaten to leak the data of clients or to ransom the clients of victim organizations.

Even so, some organizations were prepared to bite the bullet, risk data leakage, recover from backups and deny criminals a pay-day. Unfortunately, this only led the criminals to raise the stakes to triple extortion: on top of the threat of leaked data and file encryption, they started flooding victim companies with DDoS attacks to force them back to the negotiation table.

The lesson for CISOs is this: ransomware operators are flush with cash from previous victims. They can afford to buy large-scale botnets and hit your network with DDoS till you pay; they can afford to buy Initial Access from other criminals, and they can afford to pay human operators (aka “affiliates”) to carry out attacks. Backups mean nothing in today’s double and triple extortion ransomware threatscape. What matters is preventing compromise in the first place.

7. The Ransomware Threat Can Be Solved By Government

We’ve seen multiple worthy and valiant attempts to fight the growing surge in ransomware coming out of the U.S. government’s new focus on cybercrime.

The Colonial Pipeline attack, the JBS meat-supplier attack and others have created a growing concern for enterprises, as they feel they are left alone in the battle to keep our way of life safe. As laudable as the government’s efforts to take action are, cybercriminals are – by their very nature – undeterred by law enforcement.

No sooner had Biden and Putin discussed a crackdown on criminals that attacked healthcare and other critical infrastructure organizations than new groups emerged specifically to do just that. Where some criminals fear to tread, others will happily take their place if they sniff an opportunity to make money. Federal laws don’t exempt us from locking our own doors.

Yes, government help is always welcome. No, government help isn’t going to alleviate the need for enterprises to protect their businesses against crime.

8. You Don’t Need Humans If You Implement Automation

The cybersecurity skills shortage is real, but while automation can make valuable contributions to productivity and efficacy, automation will never replace the human element in the cybersecurity equation.

Risk is not static, and the risk surface constantly grows and changes as organizations mature and expand their businesses. More services, more production servers, more flow, and more customer data make the challenge to reduce risk an ongoing journey rather than a single task that can be completed with some consolidated effort. As there is no silver bullet to understand enterprise risk or quantify the means to keep a business safe, there will always be a need for cybersecurity talent that can innovate, assess and close these gaps.

Attack vectors are also constantly evolving. Three years ago, organizations relied on static analysis of PEs and other executable files to detect and prevent malware. Soon after, we started seeing fileless, script-based attacks, and lateral movement attempts successfully penetrating enterprise networks. A massive storm of supply chain attacks, like SolarWinds, Kaseya, and more have added yet another dimension to risk management. Meanwhile, the ransomware economy created a massive network of affiliates that used new spam techniques to bypass traditional solutions.

Yes, humans need technology to help scale, maximize productivity, eliminate mundane tasks, and create focus on critical items needing attention, but the best case scenario is that cybersecurity automation will reduce the growing landscape and attack surface.

CISOs will still need smart people who can connect, operate and triage all that attackers (with their own automation tools to hand) will continue to throw at us.

9. MDR Is All You Need To Stay Safe

While automation will never replace the need for human analysts, there is a converse to that, too: humans will never be able to detect, respond and remediate identifiable attacks as fast as computers. We need to use our human and computer resources in ways that are appropriate to the tasks each is best suited to.

Humans will do far better at triaging the edge cases, unknowns and false positives, but on-device AI that never sleeps and works at the speed of your CPU will beat attackers much faster than a remote MDR analyst in the cloud getting a delayed and partial feed of your network telemetry.

Yes, MDR offers added-value to a good next-gen AI endpoint protection agent. No, MDR is no substitute for on-device, autonomous protection, as the 2020 MITRE results convincingly proved.


There’s no escaping the fact that cybersecurity is a complex business, but getting the basics right is the first step. Reduce your dependencies on OS vendors, deploy on-device endpoint protection that offers visibility across your entire estate, and retain cybersecurity talent: these are all sound starting points for every CISO.

Meanwhile, try to see through the misconceptions that are passed around on a regular basis. I’ve called out nine of the most common ones I hear in this post, but there are undoubtedly far more howling in the wind. What other well-intentioned statements that do more harm than good are out there? We’d love to hear your thoughts on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook!

Norton 360 Now Comes With a Cryptominer

Norton 360, one of the most popular antivirus products on the market today, has installed a cryptocurrency mining program on its customers’ computers. Norton’s parent firm says the cloud-based service that activates the program and allows customers to profit from the scheme — in which the company keeps 15 percent of any currencies mined — is “opt-in,” meaning users have to agree to enable it. But many Norton users complain the mining program is difficult to remove, and reactions from longtime customers have ranged from unease and disbelief to, “Dude, where’s my crypto?”

Norton 360 is owned by Tempe, Ariz.-based NortonLifeLock Inc. In 2017, the identity theft protection company LifeLock was acquired by Symantec Corp., which was renamed to NortonLifeLock in 2019 (LifeLock is now included in the Norton 360 service).

According to the FAQ posted on its site, “Norton Crypto” will mine Ethereum (ETH) cryptocurrency while the customer’s computer is idle. The FAQ also says Norton Crypto will only run on systems that meet certain hardware and software requirements (such as an NVIDIA graphics card with at least 6 GB of memory).

“Norton creates a secure digital Ethereum wallet for each user,” the FAQ reads. “The key to the wallet is encrypted and stored securely in the cloud. Only you have access to the wallet.”

NortonLifeLock began offering the mining service in July 2021, but the program gained broader attention on Jan. 4 when Boing Boing co-editor Cory Doctorow tweeted that NortonCrypto would run by default for Norton 360 users.

NortonLifeLock says Norton Crypto is an opt-in feature only and is not enabled without user permission.

“If users have turned on Norton Crypto but no longer wish to use the feature, it can be disabled by temporarily shutting off ‘tamper protection’ (which allows users to modify the Norton installation) and deleting NCrypt.exe from your computer,” NortonLifeLock said in a written statement. However, many users have reported difficulty removing the mining program.

From reading user posts on the Norton Crypto community forum, it seems some longtime Norton customers were horrified at the prospect of their antivirus product installing coin-mining software, regardless of whether the mining service was turned off by default.

“How on Earth could anyone at Norton think that adding crypto mining within a security product would be a good thing?,” reads a Dec. 28 thread titled “Absolutely furious.”

“Norton should be DETECTING and killing off crypto mining hijacking, not installing their own,” the post reads. “The product people need firing. What’s the next ‘bright idea’? Norton Botnet? ‘ And I was just about to re-install Norton 360 too, but this has literally has caused me to no longer trust Norton and their direction.”

It’s an open question whether Norton Crypto users can expect to see much profit from participating in this scheme, at least in the short run. Mining cryptocurrencies basically involves using your computer’s spare resources to help validate financial transactions of other crypto users. Crypto mining causes one’s computer to draw more power, which can increase one’s overall electricity costs.

“Norton is pretty much amplifying energy consumption worldwide, costing their customers more in electricity use than the customer makes on the mining, yet allowing Norton to make a ton of profit,” tweeted security researcher Chris Vickery. “It’s disgusting, gross, and brand-suicide.”

Then there’s the matter of getting paid. Norton Crypto lets users withdraw their earnings to an account at cryptocurrency platform CoinBase, but as Norton Crypto’s FAQ rightly points out, there are coin mining fees as well as transaction costs to transfer Ethereum.

“The coin mining fee is currently 15% of the crypto allocated to the miner,” the FAQ explains. “Transfers of cryptocurrencies may result in transaction fees (also known as “gas” fees) paid to the users of the cryptocurrency blockchain network who process the transaction. In addition, if you choose to exchange crypto for another currency, you may be required to pay fees to an exchange facilitating the transaction. Transaction fees fluctuate due to cryptocurrency market conditions and other factors. These fees are not set by Norton.”

Which might explain why so many Norton Crypto users have taken to the community’s online forum to complain they were having trouble withdrawing their earnings. Those gas fees are the same regardless of the amount of crypto being moved, so the system simply blocks withdrawals if the amount requested can’t cover the transfer fees.

I guess what bothers me most about Norton Crypto is that it will be introducing millions of perhaps less savvy Internet users to the world of cryptocurrency, which comes with its own set of unique security and privacy challenges that require users to “level up” their personal security practices in fairly significant ways.

Several of my elder family members and closest friends are longtime Norton users who renew their subscription year after year (despite my reminding them that it’s way cheaper just to purchase it again each year as a new user). None of them are particularly interested in or experts at securing their computers and digital lives, and the thought of them opening CoinBase accounts and navigating that space is terrifying.

Big Yellow is not the only brand that’s cashing in on investor fervor over cryptocurrencies and hoping to appeal to a broader (or maybe just older) audience: The venerable electronics retailer RadioShack, which relaunched in 2020 as an online-focused brand, now says it plans to chart a future as a cryptocurrency exchange.

“RadioShack’s argument is basically that as a very old brand, it’s primed to sell old CEOs on cryptocurrency,” writes Adi Robertson for The Verge.

“Too many [cryptocurrency companies] focused on speculation and not enough on making the ‘old-school’ customer feel comfortable,” the company’s website states, claiming that the average “decision-making” corporate CEO is 68 years old. “The older generation simply doesn’t trust the new-fangled ideas of the Bitcoin youth.”

Deuter Kid Comfort Pro – Child Carrier You Can Trust

When you’re out for a hike with your kids, the most important thing about choosing the right child carrier is to make sure it’s going to be comfortable not only for yourself but also for your child. I was more than happy to test a child carrier from a reputable German company Deuter which has been designing and building top-quality backpacks and child carriers since 1938.

The popularity of Deuter products does not come by accident. Their backpacks and carriers are stylish, comfortable, practical, and durable. The customers love the great mix of reliable materials, functional design, and good looks. Deuter uses quality products and modern designs to meet all of your child’s comfort needs.

This product has a high rating of 4.8 stars with over 200 reviews on Amazon. There is no doubt that this child carrier certainly is one of the best available at the moment on the market, but is it worth every cent you pay for? It indeed comes packed with features but let’s look at them now.

Deuter Kid Comfort Pro Features

  • Aircomfort back system
  • The large VariFlex ECL hip fins are energy-efficient and can be adjusted for maximum comfort.
  • With VariSlide back-length with the wide-ranging adjustment, you may adjust the child carrier to fit either parent comfortably.
  • The Pull-Forward system construction makes it simple to adjust the hip belt even when you’re carrying a lot of weight.
  • The height-adjustable child’s seat has a variable cushion width to promote a healthy sitting posture.
  • Integrated safety harness – keeps kids safe and sound while you’re biking
  • 3 outer pockets for snacks, toys, and more
  • The durable aluminum frame with a sturdy kickstand is tip-resistant, which is very useful when loading the child.
  • Permanently integrated sunroof and a mirror for a rearview. Child Carrier comes with a backpack that may be used separately.

Deuter Kid Comfort Pro child carrier is suitable for children from 8 months old up to 45 pounds or 4 years of age. It has a ventilated back system that allows air to circulate, which is excellent news for your child’s comfort as not many offer this feature. It also comes with lumbar support and elastic on the hip belt, making it exceptionally comfortable for you, especially when carrying your child for more extended periods.

This child carrier comes with a sunshade, and we all know how precious this can be when you take your kid out, and the elements (or other people) get in their eyes. The sun can also heat up quite quickly, and it will make them hot and fussy, so if you plan on taking your child out for a long time, make sure you take something along to protect them.

It’s also really lightweight (8 lbs 5 oz), even considering all its features! It can be easily stored into the boot of your car or just about anywhere else when you aren’t using it while still having access to everything you need while out and about with your child.

It also comes with a rain cover to protect your child when the weather is not in your favor. This rain cover is operated by just one zip, which you will find on the front of the carrier. You can see how much easier this makes it for when you need it. Don’t get caught in the elements when you have your child with you, no matter where you are!

If you plan on going on a hike or anything else of the sort with your child, this carrier is comfortable enough for it. The shoulder straps come with adjustable load lifters to get the right comfort level no matter what you are doing.

Pros of the Deuter Kid Comfort Pro

  1. The Deuter’s padded back system ensures your child is both comfortable and safe during a hike, as it distributes their weight equally on your shoulders and your back. This helps to reduce pressure points that can cause pain and put you off from doing the activities you love.
  2. The unique child harness protects your child as it’s designed to keep them securely in their seat, right throughout even the roughest trails or any unexpected accidents that might happen along the way! This is especially valuable if your little one has fallen asleep on the track, as the harness will help to keep them seated in comfort against your back.
  3. The additional safety features of the Deuter Kid Comfort Pro will put your mind at ease as it comes with a fully adjustable footrest and the 5-point harness that is padded and reinforced for extra sturdiness and durability. The footwell can be adjusted depending on your child’s size and allows them to participate in the hike instead of just getting carried along.
  4. This child carrier is perfect for both short and tall parents as it has several height adjustments so that even if you are very short or very tall, this unit will work well with you!
  5. The AirComfort back system allows you to customize the unit to fit you as it uses a mesh system that promotes airflow and ensures your child’s back is well ventilated as they sit against your spine.
  6. It is pretty roomy, which means your trip with this carrier won’t be cramped at all! You will easily go on hikes of up to several days and still ensure your child’s comfort.
  7. This is a lightweight carrier, which means you will have no trouble carrying it along with the rest of your gear without feeling too weighed down! It weighs just over 8 pounds, so you won’t feel the added weight even if you are trekking for hours on end.
  8. The Deuter Kid Comfort Pro is made of high-quality materials that are tear-resistant and provide just the right amount of flexibility as you take your child on a hike along a trail.
  9. This Deuter product is entirely free of per- and polyfluorinated chemicals. As a result, it lowers the amount of environmentally harmful chemicals that pollute the environment and endanger human health. PVC is used for various applications, including rain protection since it has dirt- and grease-repellent characteristics. Instead, Deuter employs DWR (Durable Water Repellency) impregnation, which is non-toxic to people and the environment.

Cons of the Deuter Kid Comfort Pro

  1. Some parents have mentioned that the seat is not entirely flat, which could be uncomfortable for your little one. This is, of course, entirely up to the child’s preference, but it is worth keeping that in mind.
  2. Some parents have complained that the sunshade is flimsy and not quite big enough, so you might want to opt for another child carrier if you are hiking in extreme heat conditions.
  3. This carrier is definitely on the pricier end of the scale. Still, if you want a durable and genuinely reliable hiking carrier, then this is something we highly recommend you invest in! It will not only give your child a comfortable ride, but it will also last for years and years if taken care of properly.

Conclusion – is Deuter Kid Comfort Pro worth it?

Yes, we do highly recommend the Deuter Kid Comfort Pro! This is one of the top-rated childrens’ carriers on Amazon, and while it is pricier than most, it certainly delivers. It offers unparalleled comfort for your child along with extreme durability making it perfect for long treks in any terrain or climate condition. While the sunshade is a little on the light side, that can be remedied by using an umbrella with this unit, as it does have multiple adjustable harnesses and footwells to accommodate you and your child’s unique needs.

The high-quality product design ensures maximum safety for your child as well as a truly comfortable ride with a very sturdy back system and a well-padded seat that is made with mesh for airflow, keeping your child cool throughout the entire hiking adventure. Overall, this unit is excellent for hikers of any level who want to ensure their child’s safety and comfort while enjoying nature from a new perspective.

The reviews for this product on are very encouraging, with many shoppers seeing value in the Deuter Kid Comfort Pro for their families.

The post Deuter Kid Comfort Pro – Child Carrier You Can Trust appeared first on Comfy Bummy.

The Best, The Worst and The Ugliest in Cybersecurity | 2021 Edition

As this Friday falls on New Year’s Eve, rather than taking our usual look back at the week’s Good, Bad and Ugly stories, we thought we’d take this opportunity to cast our retrospective gaze over the whole of 2021 and bring you the best, the worst, and the ugliest moments of the year.

The Best

There’s been some great moments during 2021 both for SentinelOne in particular and cybersecurity in general. SentinelOne’s IPO in June not only took the company to its next stage of evolution but was the largest cybersecurity IPO in history.

Just prior to that, our innovative, best-of-breed Singularity platform had aced MITRE Engenuity’s annual evaluations. No other vendor’s offering was able to match SentinelOne’s performance, with MITRE finding that SentinelOne was the only vendor with 100% visibility, zero missed detections and no configuration changes throughout the entire evaluation period.

Among other innovations during 2021, SentinelOne expanded its offerings to include Mobile Threat Defense, offering customers the ability to manage mobile device security alongside their user workstations, cloud workloads, and IoT devices.

Mobile Threat Defense
Bringing AI-Powered Endpoint Security To Your Mobile Devices

The year also saw the U.S. government begin a long-overdue crackdown on cybercrime, with initiatives to beef-up Federal defenses and pursue criminals attacking the U.S. while hiding abroad. Alongside Biden’s Executive Order and pledges of financial support from private enterprise, the government announced new export controls on the sale of hardware or software that could be used in cyberattacks against the U.S., as well as sanctions against a number of spyware companies.

Among a number of arrests and seizures during the year, law enforcement broke a new record for the number of cybercriminals nabbed in a single operation when Interpol announced the arrest of over 1000 cyber criminals in operation HAECHI-II.

The Worst

If there’s one thing you won’t find much disagreement about in infosec, it’s that this year has had more than its fair share of bad moments. Our weekly news roundup was dominated throughout 2021 by two main themes: severe vulnerabilities and ransomware attacks.

In June, details emerged of a remotely exploitable vulnerability in the Microsoft Windows Print Spooler service affecting all versions of Windows, appropriately dubbed PrintNightmare. Related CVEs (CVE-2021-34527 and CVE-2021-1675) that allow remote code execution were quickly folded into popular attack tools like Mimikatz and Metasploit and caused untold headaches for IT and SOC teams around the world.

That crisis-for-admins was followed by local privilege escalation HiveNightmare (CVE-2021-36934) in August. An attacker with a foothold on a system could use the flaw to extract registry hive data, including hashed passwords, which in turn could be used to further elevate privileges.

Even more lost weekends were on the cards in December when things went from bad to worse with the Log4j2 vulnerability. We will be seeing the effects of this for some time to come, as organizations struggle to understand their exposure to a vulnerability in the widely-used Java logging utility.

Resource Center | Log4j2 | Log4Shell
Stay Informed with Hunting Queries, Demos, and More

The Ugliest

Which brings us to ransomware. While there’s no doubt about the severe threat that unpatched vulnerabilities can pose to businesses, ransomware attacks can and do have life-threatening and business-ending consequences for those affected by them.

In 2021, threat actors made quick and regular work of public sector organizations that failed to protect their networks, with schools and hospitals both at home and abroad being frequent victims.

But arguably the ugliest of the year in terms of collateral damage felt beyond the domain of the immediate victim was the Colonial Pipeline attack by DarkSide ransomware. The attack in May led the states of North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, and Florida to declare a state of emergency and to fuel prices rising to an average of $3 a gallon, with some outlets charging double that in the face of panic buying.

Even the bad guys felt the shockwaves, as underground crimeware forums began to ban discussions of ransomware for fear of retribution by the authorities.

That, alas, did little to stem the real-world threat of further ransomware attacks, and the year carried on pretty much as it started, with new threat actors, new ransomware families and, of course, new attacks.

Ebook: Understanding Ransomware in the Enterprise
This guide will help you understand, plan for, respond to and protect against this now-prevalent threat. It offers examples, recommendations and advice to ensure you stay unaffected by the constantly evolving ransomware menace.

Will 2022 see defenders get the upper hand over attackers, or will organizations yet again be up against the ropes? Our predictions for this coming year can be found here.

Our regular weekly roundup will be back next week as usual, and in the meantime, from all of us at SentinelOne, we wish you a happy and secure New Year 2022!

SentinelOne’s Cybersecurity Predictions 2022: What’s Next?

2021 was a year in which everything escalated. The pandemic triggered more separation, more isolation, and a general unease in our ability to discern the good from the bad. In cybersecurity, we saw a sharp increase in the number of threat actors riding the wave of the ransomware economy, more governments using cyber space to influence nation state politics, and definitely more software vulnerabilities. The combined effect of these has made breaches easier and security harder.

So where will 2022 lead us? Our predictions last year weren’t far off the mark, so as we look forward to another year in the trenches of cybersecurity, we gather some of SentinelOne’s best researchers and thought leaders once again to read the tea leaves of the central motifs they see coming to bear in 2022.

We Haven’t Reached ‘Peak Ransomware’ Yet

Ransomware operators have, throughout the last year, continued to display their absolute lack of compunction. Numerous high-profile attacks in 2021 demonstrated that these actors will seize any opportunity to profit. In 2022, expect the availability of highly-critical vulnerabilities such as log4j, which have exposed countless environments while greatly enhancing attackers’ toolsets, to be making the headlines more than once.

This past year also saw the wider and accelerated adoption of malware written in Rust and Go programming languages. One of the main benefits of this practice is, naturally, cross-platform compatibility. A few recent examples of this include BlackCat/AlphaVM ransomware, RansomEXX ransomware and ElectroRAT. We are trending towards a majority of these threats being multiplatform out of the gate. As we progress into 2022, expect to see a greater number of new, cross-platform malware families emerge.

Targeting of healthcare entities (hospitals, medical research facilities, private clinics) will continue to be a critical issue. While on the surface many threat operators claim to avoid attacking medical-centric targets, the reality is far less altruistic. We continue to see ransomware infecting these environments, at times costing lives. In 2022, expect to see no let up in aggressive, unscrupulous ransomware operations targeting organizations regardless of the impact on public safety.

We will also continue to see the identity of these operations blur, with various groups continuing to hide in the open while attempting to circumvent any new penalties or sanctions through frequent re-branding of their operations. Jim Walter, Senior Threat Researcher, SentinelLabs

You Can’t Spend Or Arrest Your Way Out Of Cybersecurity

We’ve seen the number of ransomware attacks rise steadily, despite enterprises spending millions. Although the US government assembling the ransomware task force was done out of good intention, it’s demonstrated that arresting the cybercriminals responsible, such as the alleged member of the REvil ransomware gang, is not going to be enough.

Recently, the U.S. State Department offered a reward of up to $10 million “for information leading to the identification or location of any individual(s) who hold(s) a key leadership position in the DarkSide ransomware variant transnational organized crime group.” While not officially linked to the Russian Federation, DarkSide was able to operate inside Russia with the apparent implicit approval of the government. The use of State Department funds underscores the desire to keep the military option in reserve while using diplomatic and other means to identify and bring to justice transnational organized crime actors.

Continued ransomware activity throughout 2022 will prove that we can’t spend or arrest our way out of cyberattacks. Instead, we must change our way of thinking. The problem isn’t the problem, it’s the way we think about the problem. And that’s not what matters. It’s how our adversaries think about the problem that really counts.

We need to think critically about the problems we are trying to solve to beat cybercriminals at their own game. Playing inside the lines isn’t going to cut it – it’s time to think outside of the box and fight machine with machine.  Morgan Wright, Chief Security Advisor, SentinelOne

Software Dependencies Are Your Weakest Link

From the end of last year with SolarWinds to the end of this year with Log4j2, the alarm bells have been ringing loud and clear: software dependencies are a massive blindspot and a major vector for supply chain attacks.

The likelihood of widely-used software components being secure out-of-the-box is low at best. Even with the best of intentions, the mindset of those that create and share useful modules, plug-ins, packages and other utility code is rarely security-focused. On top of that, the ability of an enterprise to be able to test and evaluate every piece of software that enters their network is limited for most, including the federal government.

2022 represents both an opportunity and a threat: we can tackle the problem with technology and visibility across our entire cyber estate, or we can continue as we’ve been going along, waiting for the next well-crafted nation-state attack like Sunburst or the next “universal vulnerability” like Log4j2. Overworked SOC teams and admins may vote with their feet. Migo Kedem, VP of Growth and Founder of SentinelLabs, SentinelOne

SentinelOne Singularity XDR
See how SentinelOne XDR provides end-to-end enterprise visibility, powerful analytics, and automated response across your complete technology stack.

APTs Getting Down to Business

Working in the trenches of cybersecurity research, it’s easy to get carried away with flashy and innovative operations. It’s easy to forget that ‘APT’ is a euphemism for a strata of intelligence collection operators well entrenched in the national apparatus of the majority of countries worldwide. After all, some of the more notable APTs have been around for nearly a quarter of a century.

Instead of romanticizing them as rogue outfits of wily hackers, many of these nation-state adversaries are entrenched in bureaucracies, they have objectives to meet, and–contrary to popular researcher belief–their primary goal isn’t to impress us.

This past year, nation-state adversaries learned a tried-and-true formula that being unimpressive and downright mundane (at least in the early stages of their operations) inevitably increases their return-on-investment. In other words, if your infection vector is an email ($0) with some JavaScript loaders for Cobalt Strike or Metasploit ($0), allowing you to validate victims, lookout for security solutions, begin basic collection, and deploy second-stage tools where they won’t be burned, then whatever persistence and collection you accomplish represents a booming ROI.

Moreover, it’s easier to blend into the noise of ‘business-as-usual’ when you’re just another APT doing intellectual property theft with no zero-day exploits, custom tooling, or notable antics. How many threat hunters will get out of bed to make it their business to track those folks when there are flashy high-end actors out there to blog about?

I’m afraid that 2022 will further slide us into the more mundane aspects of cyberespionage – as a pervasive but low-grade, constant but unremarkable onslaught of collection efforts from all sides that we’ve essentially grown used to. Juan Andres Guerrero-Saade, Principal Threat Researcher, SentinelLabs

Private Espionage Businesses Will Continue To Flourish

Private espionage businesses will encounter many setbacks due to their increased attention over the last year, but that will neither deter nor prevent the growth of such a lucrative and in-demand trade. We can expect researchers to uncover new and less-reported businesses selling surveillance-for-hire technology and resources around the globe with little regard for real-world impact.

While some well-known companies such as Russia’s Positive Technologies, Singapore’s Computer Security Initiative Consultancy, Israel’s Candiru, and perhaps most famously, the NSO Group, have experienced crippling government sanctions or negative media coverage during 2021, we can expect these and others to rebrand, split, or generally evolve with the opportunity of profits in mind. This type of business will not go away in 2022. Tom Hegel, Senior Threat Researcher, SentinelLabs

Why Your Operating System Isn’t Your Cybersecurity Friend

Securing the Intricacies of Enterprise Cloud Dependency

Enterprises will need to adopt cloud native security faster and respond to these threats from the front lines as customer data privacy on cloud-native servers will be put to the test. The on-going cloud-credential stealing feast will continue, and we will see cloud-native ransomware implemented by abusing weak permissions and stolen Azure and AWS API credentials.

On-Premise Active Directory will continue to fade away, while Azure Active Directory is pushed towards major adoption. As companies like Okta and JumpCloud get further buy-in, they’ll start facing increased interest from every stripe of hacker looking to gain access to large swaths of victims at once.

From the defenders perspective, API Security solutions will become a necessity. XDR adoption will grow via MSSPs forcing threat hunters to adopt more automations. These will provide coverage for the new data sources and will enable defenders to face the new battle-terms. Rafel Ivgi, Principal Security Technologist, SentinelLabs

More Targeted Attacks On Enterprise Macs (and Other Apple Devices Near You)

Unsurprisingly, and as we predicted last year, there has been a glut of macOS and iOS vulnerabilities disclosed in 2021 due to the increased scrutiny of Apple’s platforms by both security researchers and threat actors. Stealing the show during 2021 was NSO’s Pegasus zero-click iMessage exploit, in which a zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2021-30860) in Apple’s Core Graphics framework was used to construct an entire emulated computer architecture.

Meanwhile, although Macs have never been at the heart of most companies’ network or server infrastructures, the Mac has become a firm-favorite among developers and C-Suite level executives – an enticing combination for threat actors interested in high-value targets.

At the same time, iOS and macOS security is woefully misunderstood by Apple users, including in the enterprise. While Mac users at least have the ability to install 3rd-party EDR products for detection and protection against malware, few choose to do so, persuaded by a strong “Macs are safe by design” marketing message from Apple. Lulled into believing that the Mac’s legacy AV scanner XProtect and the regularly-bypassed Gatekeeper and Notarization technologies are somehow enough, users leave themselves and their organizations vulnerable to attacks. The fact is, the Mac’s built-in defenses are far from adequate, as even Apple admitted earlier this year.

Recent history has shown that threat actors with the most resources – nation-states – are willing to spend those resources on targeting dissidents, journalists and political opponents. Whether it’s buying NSO spyware like Pegasus or creating Mac-specific backdoors like macOS.Macma, governments (or their proxies) have been the main driver of targeted attacks against Apple’s platforms so far. However, where nation-states go, criminals soon follow.

These three factors – increased attention on Apple device vulnerabilities, wider use of Macs in the enterprise, and the false sense of security that Macs are safe and don’t need 3rd-party protection – will lead to more high-value, targeted attacks against Apple device users in 2022.  Phil Stokes, macOS Threat Researcher, SentinelLabs

The Complete Guide to Understanding Apple Mac Security for Enterprise
Learn how to secure macOS devices in the enterprise with this in-depth review of the strengths and weaknesses of Apple’s security technologies.


While this year saw the U.S. government making some valiant efforts to try and tackle the long-standing challenges of cybersecurity, it is enterprises that are the first and last line of defense, needing to stay focused on growth and commercial expansion while not risking it all by getting breached and losing trust and material funds.

Whatever challenges 2022 brings, we all need to ensure that we are taking care of the basics: strong preventative measures, clear Incident Response and Disaster Recovery planning, and let’s not forget to take care of our people on the front line! From all of us at SentinelOne, we wish you a happy and secure New Year!

If you would like to learn how SentinelOne can protect your organization, contact us or request a free demo.

Happy 12th Birthday,! celebrates its 12th anniversary today! Maybe “celebrate” is too indelicate a word for a year wracked by the global pandemics of COVID-19 and ransomware. Especially since stories about both have helped to grow the audience here tremendously in 2021. But this site’s birthday also is a welcome opportunity to thank you all for your continued readership and support, which helps keep the content here free to everyone.

More than seven million unique visitors came to in 2021, generating some 12 million+ pageviews and leaving almost 8,000 comments. We also now have nearly 50,000 subscribers to our email newsletter, which is still just a text-based (non-HTML) email that goes out each time a new story is published here (~2-3 times a week).

Back when this site first began 12 years ago, I never imagined it would attract such a level of engagement. Before launching KrebsOnSecurity, I was a tech reporter for For many years, The Post’s website was physically, financially and editorially separate from what the dot-com employees affectionately called “The Dead Tree Edition.” When the two newsrooms finally merged in 2009, my position was eliminated.

Happily, the blog I authored for four years at — Security Fix — had attracted a sizable readership, and it seemed clear that the worldwide appetite for in-depth news about computer security and cybercrime would become practically insatiable in the coming years.

Happier still, The Post offered a severance package equal to six months of my salary. Had they not thrown that lifeline, I doubt I’d have had the guts to go it alone. But at the time, my wife basically said I had six months to make this “blog thing” work, or else find a “real job.”

God bless her eternal patience with my adopted occupation, because KrebsOnSecurity has helped me avoid finding a real job for a dozen years now. And hopefully they let me keep doing this, because at this point I’m certainly unqualified to do much else.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t take this opportunity to remind Dear Readers that advertisers do help keep the content free here to everyone. For security and privacy reasons, KrebsOnSecurity does not host any third-party content on this site — and this includes the ad creatives, which are simply images or GIFs vetted by Yours Truly and served directly from

That’s a long-winded way of asking: If you regularly visit with an ad blocker, please consider adding an exception for this site.

Thanks again, Dear Readers. Please stay safe, healthy and alert in 2022. See you on the other side!

12 Months of Fighting Cybercrime & Defending Enterprises | SentinelLabs 2021 Review

It’s been a busy year for the SentinelLabs research team, with 45 posts published throughout 2021 on crimeware, APT actors, software vulnerabilities, and macOS malware, not to mention releasing a few community tools for reverse engineering and threat hunting.

Ransomware and APT actors have dominated much of our year, along with some spectacular vulnerabilities that have impacted enterprises worldwide. We’ve seen novel attacks targeting macOS and threat actors setting their sights on Docker containers and cloud workloads.

As ever, you can find all our research and threat intelligence posts over at SentinelLabs, but for a quick recap on some of the main highlights, take a scroll through our 2021 timeline below.


In early January, we broke news of macOS.OSAMiner, a long-running cryptominer campaign targeting macOS users. What made this particular campaign so effective at staying undetected for at least five years was its use of run-only AppleScripts. SentinelLabs’ research showed how researchers can reverse these opaque executables and revealed previously hidden IoCs.

FADE DEAD | Adventures in Reversing Malicious Run-Only AppleScripts


Zeoticus ransomware was causing trouble prior to 2021 but had received little attention from researchers. Unusually, Zeoticus executes fully even if the device is air-gapped or fails to have internet connectivity. SentinelLabs detailed how this Windows-specific malware had evolved, and described its execution and persistence methods.

Zeoticus 2.0 | Ransomware With No C2 Required

In February, SentinelLabs also revealed a privilege escalation vulnerability in Microsoft’s flagship security product, Windows Defender. The bug, CVE-2021-24092, had remained unreported for 12 years and likely affected around a billion devices.


More macOS malware came to light in March in the form of SentinelLabs’ discovery of XcodeSpy, a targeted attack on iOS software developers using Apple’s Xcode IDE. A malicious Xcode project was found to be installing a customized backdoor with the ability to record the victim’s microphone, camera and keyboard.

New macOS Malware XcodeSpy Targets Xcode Developers with EggShell Backdoor


While Windows vulnerabilities are a fairly common occurrence, SentinelLabs’ report of a new NTLM relay attack was, surprisingly, classed as a “Won’t Fix” by Microsoft in April. The vulnerability affects every Windows system and could allow attackers to escalate privileges from user to domain admin.

Relaying Potatoes: Another Unexpected Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Windows RPC Protocol

On the crimeware front, this month SentinelLabs also published an update on Avaddon RaaS and detailed APT activity relating to Zebrocy.


As we kicked into the summer months, adversary activity also started to ramp up beginning with Agrius, a new threat actor SentinelLabs observed operating against targets in Israel. Agrius actors dropped a novel wiper named ‘Apostle’, which later evolved into a fully functional ransomware.

From Wiper to Ransomware | The Evolution of Agrius

Also in May, SentinelLabs researchers disclosed CVE-2021-21551, a single CVE to track multiple BIOS driver privilege escalation flaws impacting hundreds of millions of Dell computers.


Building off earlier research around APT actor Nobelium (aka APT29, The Dukes), SentinelLabs discovered that the same threat actor (tracked by SentinelLabs as ‘NobleBaron’) was engaged in supply-chain attack activity via a poisoned update installer for electronic keys used by the Ukrainian government.

NobleBaron | New Poisoned Installers Could Be Used In Supply Chain Attacks

Also this month, SentinelLabs presented evidence that an attack on Russia’s FSB that had been widely-attributed to Western “Five Eyes” agencies was far more likely to have been of Chinese origin, probably from threat actor TA428.


Cyberwar took an unusual turn in July when Iran’s train system was paralyzed by an attack from a mysterious wiper. The attackers taunted the Iranian government as hacked displays instructed passengers to direct their complaints to the phone number of the Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei’s office. SentinelLabs researchers were able to reconstruct the majority of the attack chain and sketch the outline of a new adversary.

MeteorExpress | Mysterious Wiper Paralyzes Iranian Trains with Epic Troll

This month also saw the Labs team disclose CVE-2021-3438 – a high severity flaw in HP, Samsung, and Xerox printer drivers – and offer an in-depth analysis of Conti ransomware.


ShadowPad is a privately sold modular malware platform and used in infamous campaigns such as CCleaner, NetSaran and the ASUS supply-chain attacks. SentinelLabs researchers produced a ground-breaking report on the origin, use and ecosystem of ShadowPad.

ShadowPad | A Masterpiece of Privately Sold Malware in Chinese Espionage

One of the busiest months of the year for our researchers, August also saw us dislose a massive macOS adware campaign undetected by Apple, a ransomware campaign targeting healthcare providers, and HotCobalt – a denial-of-service vulnerability affecting Cobalt Strike.


In another in-depth investigation into cyberespionage and APT activity, SentinelLabs broke the story of a Turkish-nexus threat actor that targeted journalists to place malware and incriminating documents on their devices immediately prior to their arrest.

EGoManiac | An Unscrupulous Turkish-Nexus Threat Actor

We also reported on new variants of both Apostle ransomware and the Zloader banking trojan, as well as disclosing CVE-2021-3437.


Both Karma ransomware and Spook ransomware were new players in 2021’s ransomware ecosystem. Karma has targeted numerous enterprises across different industries this year. SentinelLabs explored the links between Karma and other well known malware families such as NEMTY and JSWorm.

Karma Ransomware | An Emerging Threat With A Hint of Nemty Pedigree

Meanwhile, SentinelLab’s investigation into Spook ransomware found that the operator published details of all victims regardless of whether they paid or not.


APTs targeting macOS are a far rarer sight than on Windows, but this November saw news break of a targeted attack against pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong with a novel macOS malware dubbed “Macma”. SentinelLabs dove in and revealed further IoCs not previously reported to aid defenders and threat hunters.

Infect If Needed | A Deeper Dive Into Targeted Backdoor macOS.Macma

SentinelLabs also disclosed multiple separate vulnerabilities this month: CVE-2021-43267 – a remote Linux kernel heap overflow – and the related VirtualBox vulnerabilities CVE-2021-2145, CVE-2021-2310, and CVE-2021-2442.


Unsurprisingly, we rounded out the year with yet another novel ransomware threat. While most actors in this space have adopted the double-extortion method – demand a ransom for encrypted files, then threaten to leak the data if the victim doesn’t pay up – the operators behind Rook were particularly candid about their motivations, stating “We desperately need a lot of money”. SentinelLabs researchers offered the first technical write up of Rook, covering both high-level features and its ties to Babuk ransomware.

New Rook Ransomware Feeds Off the Code of Babuk

We also discovered and disclosed multiple vulnerabilities in AWS and other major cloud services that implement USB over Ethernet.


2021 was some year for everyone involved in fighting cybercrime and defending enterprises. From APTs and bugs to malware and ransomware, we’ve all had plenty to do to keep up with the unfolding cybersecurity threats this year. SentinelLabs continues in its commitment to keep you up to date with the latest research and threat intelligence.

We’ll be back shortly after the New Year. In the meantime, we wish everyone a happy and secure New Year and 2022. Be sure to keep your organization, endpoints, network and cloud infrastructure safe with SentinelOne’s award-winning Singularity platform, and keep your security team up-to-date with SentinelLabs’ original and timely research.

At What Age Can Babies Use A Bumbo Chair?

The Bumbo chair can be used from around 4 months old (when your baby has good head control and can sit unassisted) until they can climb out of it (usually about 12 months old). It should not be an alternative to an infant seat or bouncer. The chair helps support your baby in a seated position, which can help with their development.

However, it is essential to remember that the age recommendation is just a recommendation. There is no definitive answer as different babies will reach the developmental milestones necessary to use a bumbo chair at different ages. However, most babies can use a bumbo chair safely by around 4 months old.

Remember that it is always important to consult with your pediatrician before giving your baby any new type of seat.

Can older babies use bumbo chairs? (8 months and up)

Yes, if your child is over eight months and meets the guidelines above, they can still use a bumbo chair. Many parents report that their children enjoy using the bumbo well into the second year.

What is a Bumbo chair?

A Bumbo chair, also known as a bumbo seat, is a molded plastic chair with a round, flat bottom. There is a three-point harness to secure the baby, and the child has no control over the direction they are facing. The Bumbo chair can be used on any flat surface. The manufacturer also makes other products designed for use with the bumbo, such as playpens, activity gyms, bath seats, and stools.

However, there are concerns that a baby seated in a bumbo is not visible to those around them, which has led to several cases of accidental suffocation.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends against using the bumbo as it “poses a risk for serious head injuries and ejection from the chair” as well as other problems such as aspiration. The AAP has also stated that the bumbo chair “should not be used for routine feeding.”

How to use a bumbo chair safely

Despite the risks associated with using the bumbo chair, many parents find it helpful in supporting their baby in a seated position. If you do choose to use a bumbo chair, there are steps parents can take to use the bumbo chair safely.

  • First, be sure that your baby can sit up unassisted before placing them in the bumbo seat.
  • The bumbo should not be used on an elevated surface.
  • Always use the harness at all times when seated in the bumbo.
  • The bumbo should not be used for longer than 30 minutes at a time.

If you are concerned about your baby’s safety, remember that it is essential to contact your pediatrician. It is also helpful to talk with other parents who have used the chair before, as they may offer additional advice based on their personal experiences.

Bumbo chair alternatives

If you are not comfortable using a bumbo chair, other options are available to help your baby sit up. You can try an infant seat or bouncer, which will provide more support for your baby.

Fisher-Price Sit-Me-Up Floor Seat

This Fisher-Price floor seat is an excellent alternative to the Bumbo chair. Invite your child to sit up and play in a comfortable, sturdy seat that provides them with a view of the world around them! The two linked toys, a turtle spinner with a mirrored side and entertaining clackers keep your cuddle bug occupied. And the comfy seat cushion is detachable and machine-washable, making cleanup simple!

The Sit-Me-Up Floor Seat’s supportive upright seat and broad, stable base allow your child to observe and interact with the world around him, providing comfort and security.

The lightweight and ultra-compact design of this foldable baby chair make it a breeze to transport your loved one along with you to grandma’s house or wherever you’re going.

It can be used for babies up to 25 pounds or until they can sit up on their own without assistance.

Summer Learn-to-Sit Stages 3-Position Floor Seat

This Summer 3-position floor seat is a great alternative to the Bumbo chair. It is designed to help your baby learn to sit up on their own, and it can be used for babies up to 40 pounds. The Summer Learn-to-Sit Stages 3-Position Floor Seat has three different height levels, so it can grow with your child as they gain new skills.

  1. The first position is lower to the ground and is intended for babies with complete neck control.
  2. When your baby learns to sit up, transition them to the second posture, which will assist in developing balance.
  3. The highest position is for babies who begin to sit up.

The Learn-to-Sit Stages 3-position floor seat features detachable toys and a meal tray to provide everything you need. This chair also folds completely flat for storage and travel, making it ideal.

This baby chair is extra-safe and easy to use. It supports up to 25 pounds so that you can use it for a long time! It also comes with a comfortable cushion that makes this perfect for playtime, nap time, or anytime.

The ergonomic design of this sturdy baby floor seat distributes your child’s weight evenly, making it more comfortable for them to sit up. And the broad base prevents your little one from tipping over.

Fisher-Price Healthy Care Deluxe Booster Seat

This Fisher-Price healthy care booster seat is perfect for when your baby begins to sit up on their own all the way to toddlerhood. The Healthy Care Booster Seat supports babies up to 50 pounds and helps them develop the skills they need to transition to a regular chair.

It has a three-point harness for safety and a removable tray with two cup holders, and a snap-on lid that doubles as a serving tray. The Booster Seat folds up for easy storage and transport, and it wipes clean easily.

The easy cleaning is what makes this kids’ chair special. There are no nooks or crannies to retain crumbs, so you can keep your baby’s space clean. The feeding tray can be cleaned in the dishwasher to reduce germs.

This Fisher-Price kids’ chair is durable enough to last through long family gatherings. It has an extended use up to six years so that it can grow with your child. The lightweight design makes it easy to move from one place to another.

Infantino 3-in-1 Booster Seat

This Infantino 3-in-1 booster seat is perfect for your growing child. It can be used in 3 different ways:

  • as a seated positioner
  • as a feeding booster
  • as a table booster seat

The Infantino 3-in-1 Booster Seat is designed to support babies up to 33 pounds so that it can be used for a long time.

The Infantino Grow-With-Me Discovery Seat and Booster is a three-in-one product that provides an interactive play area, snack time seat, and secure booster with harnesses.

Babies seat and play with toys: spinners, mirror play, and silly squeakers, encouraging sensory development. When it’s time for a snack, just remove the detachable toy pods to reveal a snack tray with a cup holder. Use the security straps to attach the booster seat to a kitchen chair as your baby grows.

Skip Hop 2-in-1 Sit-up Activity Baby Chair

This Skip Hop 2-in-1 Sit-up Activity Baby Chair is perfect for when your baby begins to sit up on their own. The Skip Hop 2-in-1 Sit-up Activity Baby Chair has a soft, comfortable seat with an adjustable harness to keep your child safe. It also comes with a removable tray with a built-in cup holder and an activity center with various activities to keep your baby entertained.

The 2-in-1 design makes this baby chair super convenient. Parents can alternate between a multipurpose tray (perfect for snacks!) and three interesting toys, depending on whether it is time for a meal or play.

The sturdy, wide-leg foundation provides stability, while the soft fabric seat cover makes Skip Hop chair comfy. The seat cover may be removed for simple machine washing.

Ingenuity Baby Base 2-in-1 Booster Feeding and Floor Seat with Self-Storing Tray

This product shows how to transform a playtime chair into a snack time quickly!

The Baby Base securely clamps onto dining chairs, allowing your child to sit higher and see more during family dinners. Cute in design, this tiny baby feeding chair is lightweight and portable. It’s a fantastic option for at-home or on-the-go dining with your child!

The detachable tray allows your youngster to have their own perfectly sized table, so they can easily reach food or toys. The tray conveniently folds up underneath the booster seat when it is not used. The tray is also dishwasher safe, making mealtimes a pleasure. Wipe the base and foam insert clean with a damp cloth and mild soap to remove dust.

The Baby Base may be used once your baby can hold its head up independently. The safety strap secures a tight fasten when linked to your dining chair, and the 3-point harness keeps the baby safe.

Remove the foam seat insert when your baby gets older and use it as a toddler seat. Suitable for 6 months to 36 months.

Upseat Baby Chair Booster Seat with Tray

Upseat Baby Chair Booster Seat was designed by physical therapists with developing babies in mind and targets the muscles responsible for good upright posture while also being safe for a child’s developing hips.

Upseat baby seats allow for chubby legs and keep babies’ hips in a safe and correct posture. This chair is recommended for kids who can sit on their own, mainly from the 3rd month of life until 12 months. Upseat Baby Chair Booster Seat holds up to 30 pounds.

This baby chair can be used in 3 ways:

  • as a floor seat
  • as a booster seat
  • as a feeding chair

Upseat baby chair booster seat comes with a detachable tray designed, so it is super easy to clean up after mealtime.

The post At What Age Can Babies Use A Bumbo Chair? appeared first on Comfy Bummy.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Cybersecurity – Week 52

The Good

We have a few nifty victories for law enforcement this week. First off, an individual that heralds from Massachusetts, Flavio Candido da Silva, recently pled guilty to aggravated identity theft and conspiracy to commit wire fraud in a Boston federal court. Da Silva is alleged to be part of a larger team responsible for the theft of identities and the manufacture and distribution of falsified documents. The case relates to charges laid back in May when nineteen individuals were charged with conspiracy to open fraudulent driver accounts at multiple rideshare and delivery companies.

In some cases, identifying information used to feed fake accounts was obtained directly from victims through social engineering. The actors would gain access to victims’ identification documents by posting as an alcohol delivery service or deliberately causing minor vehicle accidents. The fraudulent accounts were used to further spoof income documents for these newly-created fake workers. There is potentially a lengthy jail term tied to this one, which hopefully will serve as a deterrent to those thinking of engaging in cybercrime.

The week would not be complete without mention of Log4j. There have been some important updates around this threat from the wider community, including CISA’s Mitigating Log4Shell and Other Log4j-Related Vulnerabilities, which was updated on December 22nd. Their advisory serves as a launching point for various other Joint Cybersecurity and JCDC advisories. As always, the latest bleeding edge updates will be posted on the SentinelOne blog.

The Bad

On top of the extra workload IT admins have been dealing with thanks to the ongoing log4j2 vulnerability, this week’s bad news is particularly unwelcome as it involves another “patch the thing we already patched” scenario from Microsoft. This week’s new fire hazard comes courtesy of two Active Directory domain controller bugs. The bugs were addressed last month, but it turns out they can still be exploited by attackers and allow the take over of Windows Domain Controllers.

The two flaws, which have a severity rating of 7.5, are tracked as CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-20210-42287. The new advisory comes in the wake of a publicly available exploit being published back on December 12th.

SAM Name impersonation (CVE-2021-42278) allows attackers to tamper with the SAM-Account-Name attribute used to log users into a system in the AD domain. Meanwhile, KDC Bamboozling (CVE-20210-42287) allows a potential attacker to impersonate a domain controller directly. According to Microsoft:

“Combining the two CVEs, an attacker with domain user credentials can leverage them for granting access as a domain admin user in a few simple steps.”

OK folks, you know the drill. Patch the patch, and ensure you have reliable endpoint protection in place.

The Ugly

As if things aren’t bad enough on the ransomware scene, it gets even uglier when actors find new ways to bypass or disable certain security tools. In that context, we shine a light on AvosLocker, which emerged in June 2021 as a new RaaS (Ransomware as a Service) operator.

In an effort to improve the success rate of encryption, AvosLocker decided to do what any good IT admin would do when encountering a problem on a device: boot it in Safe Mode!

According to researchers, in some cases AvosLocker was forcing victim machines to reboot in Safe Mode with networking, and installing the remote management tool AnyDesk. This allows the attackers to control the target machines remotely while security tools that don’t run in Safe Mode are inactive.

The attackers were also seen running a tool called PDQ Deploy to push customized batch scripts out to target devices to assist in disabling a number of endpoint security solutions before rebooting into Safe Mode. Once booted, the victim machines run the ransomware payload and files are encrypted.

Endpoint security tools affected by the technique, the researchers say, include:

  • Windows Defender
  • Carbon Black
  • Bitdefender
  • Trend Micro
  • Kaspersky
  • Symantec
  • Cylance

AvosLocker does not succeed on devices protected by SentinelOne.

This serves as a good reminder that all these ransomware actors are constantly at work, even when not being highlighted in the news. For additional information on ransomware and potential solutions, start here.

Baby Shark Potty – The Secret To Successful Potty Training

There are many ways to toilet train your child. Some might say that modern technology has made this task easier for parents today than ever before, while others may argue it has only complicated the process even further. There is no denying, though, that potty training is a serious challenge for children and parents alike, regardless of how far technology has come to change it.

However, one of the best methods for potty training is also a really old-fashioned technique: The Potty Dance. It’s usually considered comical and silly, but you can actually use this dance to your advantage when toilet training a child. What happens if you connect The Potty Dance with Baby Shark?

Baby Shark Potty

If you’re looking for a potty training method that is fun and will keep your child engaged, then the Baby Shark Potty may be just what you need! This unique potty training tool is based on the popular children’s song, “Baby Shark.”

The Baby Shark Potty is an award-winning potty training seat that uses the familiar “Baby Shark” song to encourage your child to use the potty. Children exposed to this unique method become excited about using their baby shark potty seat. They enjoy hearing music play while using the bathroom, and parents find success in their potty training efforts.

Baby Shark Potty – Features

  • comfortable
  • fun design
  • realistic flushing and cheering sounds
  • easy to use
  • easy to clean lift-out pot
  • reward card and stickers included

The secret to the Baby Shark Potty’s success is its fun and engaging design. The image of Baby Shark supports the connection between your child and the goal of using their potty. The music is a bonus that makes the experience more fun and ensures they stay on task while using their baby shark potty.

The Baby Shark Potty is also made from durable materials that can withstand vigorous use. It is easy to clean and can be used with any standard toilet. Plus, it’s comfortable for your child to sit on, making it an excellent choice for potty training toddlers.

Together with a Baby Shark Potty, you will receive a reward chart and stickers to celebrate each victory of your child using their potty. This way, you can maintain their enthusiasm and encourage them to keep up the good work. Those who use a reward chart find a lot of success in their potty training efforts.

Baby Shark Potty is available now on Amazon. Get your child excited about using the potty with this fun and engaging potty training seat!

Baby Shark Potty – a perfect gift?

The Baby Shark Potty is a great gift to welcome your child into the world. It is a great shower or birthday gift that will bring excitement and joy into your child’s life. It can be used from toddlers to young children, which means it is an investment in their future potty training success.

The Baby Shark Potty has been reviewed on popular sites like Huffington Post, The Giggle Guide, and The Daily Dot. You can be sure that this potty training tool is one of the best methods available to help your child succeed in their potty training goals.

Baby Shark Potty Training

As funny as it might sound, the dance can bring about a breakthrough in toilet training your child. In most cases, parents find that they have to repeat the Potty Dance for months on end before their child finally gets it. Every time you perform this dance, you let your child know that he needs to go to the bathroom and that he is expected to follow suit.

The Baby Shark Potty Dance is a great place to start if you are looking for a potty training method that is both fun and effective. It is based on the Baby Shark song by Pinkfong, which has become a global phenomenon with more than 2 billion views on YouTube.

The Baby Shark Potty Dance is simple, but it gets the job done. The dance consists of three simple steps that are repeated over and over again:

  1. Sing the Baby Shark song
  2. Do the Baby Shark Dance
  3. Reward your child with a sticker, a toy, or a special treat

You need to keep this dance routine going for at least a few weeks before you see any visible results, though, so this method is not exactly a quick fix. The key is to be consistent with this routine and keep things fun for your child. If you do, then toilet training should be a breeze for everyone.

The post Baby Shark Potty – The Secret To Successful Potty Training appeared first on Comfy Bummy.